Page 70 of Knot Broken

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“You...” A hesitant, almost fearful look descends in his eyes.

I grin, glad to see that he recognizes us too.

Aurora finally looks toward me and my brother. Her gaze flickers between the two of us, taking in the uncanny similarities in our appearance.

“Major Kelso,” Simon says, his lips lifting into a spiteful sneer. “What are you doing with that young lady?”

“It’s none of your business,” the asshole grates out through clenched teeth.

“Let her go or I’ll make it my business,” I say. My voice is calm but there’s a sharp edge of warning in it.

Surprise spreads through Aurora’s face. This close to her, I see the tears streaming down her face. Her helplessness and vulnerability send an ache through me. My protective instincts rise to the surface and I can’t wait to rip off the bastard’s head for making her cry.

Kelso tightens his grip on Aurora’s wrist. Her expression twists from the pain, making my insides burn with rage.

“I’m a senior officer,” Kelso says in a venomous tone. “Don’t make things harder on yourselves by being heroes. Just turn around and walk away.”

“Who the fuck are you to command us?” Simon growls, striding forward. Within the blink of an eye, he grips Kelso’s throat.

“What’d you think you’re doing?”

Simon squeezes his throat, forcing him to release Aurora.

Aurora’s knees crumble, sending her to the ground.

Rushing forward, I grab her before she can hit the floor.

“Aurora, are you hurt?” I ask urgently.

She shakes her head but I can feel her slight body trembling in my arms.

“Bastards like you can’t hide forever,” Simon says in a soft, lethal voice. His eyes bore into Kelso’s. “It won’t be long before we’ve grabbed every corrupt official in the military.”

“How dare you accuse me of corruption?” Kelso barks.

“The Black Widow has fallen,” Simon says, keeping his cold gaze on Kelso. “The Burton Pack was among those who raided those damned, underground vaults. We have enough evidence to put you and your friends behind bars.”

Simon is faking. While we’ve unearthed a shit ton of facts and evidence from the Black Widow’s lair, we still need time to go through them all and identify the government officials who’ve been helping them. We have nothing on Kelso yet.

The fear swirling in Kelso’s beady eyes is real though. He’s buying the bullshit Simon is making up, telling me he’s one of the guilty bastards who’ve been helping the terrorists behind the scene.

Aurora’s watching the scene with wide eyes. Despite being rescued from Kelso’s clutches, she still looks fearful.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I say in a soothing voice. “Everything’s all right now. You’re safe.”

“Get your hands off me or I’ll end you and your brother right here,” Kelso says.

It’s only when Simon shifts that I notice the gun in Kelso’s hand. He jabs the barrel into my brother’s stomach in a threatening gesture.

A growl rips out of my mouth at the sight.

Simon lets go of Kelso’s throat and takes a step back. Next second, though, his arm shoots out at lightning speed, his hand hitting the asshole’s wrist.

Kelso gasps and drops his gun.

Simon’s reflexes are faster. He snatches the weapon the moment it clatters to the floor.

“You’re a fucking joke, Major,” Simon goads him. Stepping closer, he leans against him and whispers, “This is for hurting her.” His words are followed by a hard punch to Kelso’s gut.
