Page 23 of Bragg's Love

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Miller: Don’t call me grumpykins.

Riley: Grumpykins is Eden’s pet name for him.

Miller: Grumpykins is not a pet name.

Riley: It is if your name is Miller and you’re a grump.

Brody: Hello! My name is Miller and I’m a grump. Today is my thirty-second year in Grumpville.

Peace: I don’t remember Brody and Riley being this annoying before.

Elder: Riley the Annoying was in hibernation while he convinced Moon to give him a second chance.

Brody: And a third chance. Don’t forget about his dumbass needing a third chance.

Peace: I don’t think I’ll ever forget Truth or Punch.

Damon: You played Truth or Punch without me?

Brody: Dude, you need to move to Winter Falls.

Miller: Yeah, Damon, why haven’t you moved here already?

Elder: Ah, isn’t my twin adorable? He thinks he can misdirect the conversation.

Brody: Beep! Party foul. Today is Miller’s day.

Miller: You better not have bet on me and Eden.

Brody: *gif of a cowboy whistling* I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Damon: I seriously have no idea what any of you are talking about.

Peace: The residents of Winter Falls place bets on people’s love lives.

Miller: There is no love life.

Elder: Why not????? I know you. You want a wife and kids. You want to settle down. You hate picking up random women at bars.

Damon: Is Eden a contender in the ‘let’s get Miller to settle down’ contest?

Miller: Eden hates me.

Riley: Notice he didn’t say he hates Eden.

Brody: *Gif of a camel tapping its chin*

Elder: Eden is the sole contender.

Miller left the conversation.

Chapter 8

Does neutral territory mean no killing is allowed? Asking for a friend. ~ Text from Eden to Moon

“Thanks for doing this,” I tell Olivia when she ushers me into her yoga studio,Earth Bliss.“I can’t believe Miller insisted we meet on ‘neutral territory’. And how is your yoga studio neutral? You’re engaged to his half-brother.”

She gazes down at her engagement ring. “I know.”

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