Page 21 of Bragg's Love

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Brody: Did Damon need an excuse to stay in San Diego? Do tell.

Elder: I’m all ears. *gif of a llama with its ears perked*

Riley: You know who likes llamas?

Elder: Don’t.

Riley: *emoji of an innocent kitten* Don’t what?

Elder: You know what.

Damon: *gif of hand raising* I don’t know.

Riley: Someone has a crush.

Brody: On Harmony.

Elder: We’re just friends.

Brody: Friends who lock lips?

Riley: Friends who get naked together?

Brody: Friends who’ve seen each other's private parts?

Riley: Friends who give each other orgasms?

Elder: Knock it off, wonder twins.

Brody: *Gif of Superman* We’re the wonder twins.

Damon: How is it I’m the only normal person in this family?

Peace: Hey! I’m normal.

Damon: Your name is Peace and you’re a police officer.

Peace: What’s not normal about my name?

Miller: I’m normal.

Brody: It speaks.

Elder: Finally. We can get to the reason for this text.

Miller left the conversation.

Brody: Ha! As if I’m going to let him leave this conversation.

Riley: Torturing Miller is the sole reason for this conversation.

Damon: Why are we torturing Miller?

Riley: Because he has a crush.

Damon: On who?

Brody: Eden.

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