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“Water’s ready. Do you need help getting that thing off?”

“No, I’ve got this,” I sputter, glaring at him as I try to carefully hop off the counter. Roland grabs my waist, helping to soften my landing.

He smirks, as though he finds something funny. “I’ll be outside the door if you need anything.”

I nod at him as he makes his way out. I wait until he’s shut the door softly behind him before stripping off the dress. I let out a relieved sob when I unzip the bodice and my lungs relish the fresh air. Whoever designed this dress needs to rethink their design choices, because this thing is little more than a wearable death trap.

The first dip into the water feels like heaven. Once my body is fully submerged in the hot water, I let out a moan at how delicious it feels. After the hellish day I’ve had, this is heaven. My body is lax and when I try to lift my arms to wash my hair, they don’t cooperate. I’m completely drained of energy. I let out a frustrated groan when I realize there is just no way to wash my disgusting hair and get all the bobby pins out. I know I can’t just leave it like this, but the other option …

“Roland?” I murmur, embarrassed that I have to call for help, but I let myself raise my voice a few octaves anyway. “Are you there?”

“I am, sweetheart, do you need help?”

I bite my lower lip, unsure of what to make of him calling mesweetheartagain.


“I need help washing my hair. Do you think you can help with that?”

The door opens and my breath grows ragged as Roland walks back into the bathroom, his eyes on mine as he makes his way to the tub. My heart hammers as his scent, musky with sweat from working outside but still so comforting, washes over me.

“I can definitely help with that,” he says, his deep voice sends goosebumps shooting down my skin. I suck in a sharp breath as he starts carefully running his hands over my hair, looking for pins. When his gentle, featherlike touch stokes a pulsing heat between my legs, I fight moaning with pleasure.

What the hell is happening to me?

At nineteen, I know what sex is. Hell, many of my friends had it in high school but I never really got what the big deal was. I never understood why everyone was so obsessed with who was having sex with whom. Nothing about it appealed to me, but now…

“Hey, you’re shaking, is the water getting cold?”

My trembling body has nothing to do with the water. Roland’s deep voice isn’t exactly doing much to curb the rising heat between my legs, in fact, it’s making it worse. When he starts combing his fingers through my hair and across my scalp, a moan finally slips out.

My face heats up with instant mortification, but Roland doesn’t say a word. He gives no sign that he’s heard it as he starts shampooing my hair. Heat continues travelling up my limbs, sending toe-curling pleasure up my spine leaving me feeling tingly in places I had no idea could feel that way. All this from him just touching my hair? Is this what my friends meant when they said I was missing out?

My eyes flutter closed as he starts massaging my scalp to lather up the soap, his long, strong fingers gently rubbing through my curls to wash away the styling product. I lean into his touch, chasing his fingers needily. A breathy sigh slips through my lips, and I can’t even pretend it didn’t happen. I know that there’s no hiding it anymore.

“Close your eyes, Princess,” Roland whispers, his deep voice so rough, so close to my ear that it sends shivers down my spine. “We don’t want the soap getting into your eyes, right?”

“No,” I breathe shakily. “We don’t.”

Chapter Four


This has got to be a dream.

There is no way the heavens would send someone as perfect as Melissa my way. Not to someone like me. Someone who’s spent half their life on the line of fire, taking more lives than he’s saved. I may be a different person now, living alone in the middle of nowhere with my two dogs and my livestock, but it’s not like the past will ever truly be behind me. As much as I want to leave my memories of my time in special forces, it’s always there. My solitude is the price I have to pay for the man I used to be, while caring for my animals is my penance.

Despite all that, the heavens sent Melissa my way, and I’m not sure I’ll ever let her go. I want to make her mine so that she never has to leave me, not unless she wants to.

I watch the way she leans into my touch and wonder if I’m the only touch-starved one under this roof. I slip my fingers from her hair and down to her shoulders, massaging her warm skin under my fingers.

“Oh—” she gasps, leaning into my touch even more as I slip my fingers down to her breasts, cupping against my large palms. So full and firm, soft against my callused hands. My cock is rock hard, heavy and aching beneath the fabric of my pants.

“Roland,” she whines when I brush her nipples against my thumbs. My cock throbs at the sound of my name on her lips. I’m not sure if I’m shaking with desire, or nerves.

I should stop. This is reckless and definitelynotwhy she called me in here, but I don’t want to stop. I don’t think she wants me to either. It’s been so long since I last touched someone, but no one has ever felt likethisagainst my skin.

My hand disappears into the water and her body quivers against my fingers as they run over her skin. She sighs deeply and leans back into me, pressing her wet hair against my chest. Her thighs part for me so readily that I have to hold back from immediately running my fingers through her folds.

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