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My eyes widen in horror at the thought of running into one and when Django suddenly sprints out the door and runs towards the fence. Maybe I was right about an animal? I hesitate to follow after him, but he is big and scary enough to take on something like that. Even if it’s a bad idea, I decide to follow him anyway.

I start after Django, barefoot and only in Roland’s hoodie, when a large arm reaches out and clamps a hand over my mouth. I’m pulled hard against a hard body. I panic and start to scream but the hand over my mouth tightens. I kick into the air but someone in a ski mask steps in front of me and grabs my legs, pinning them together, and suddenly we’re moving.

I try to kick or swing my arms, fruitlessly trying to free myself, but the two men carrying me hold on tightly.

Fuck. I’m getting kidnapped.

But by who? Who are these men?

I fight with everything I have as they drag me away, but these men are too strong for me to shake off. I hear barking in the distance, but it feels so far away. A tear shakes loose from my eyes as I watch Roland’s home disappear into the distance behind my assailants’ backs.

I try to kick and throw punches as the men push me into a car, but they manage to tie up my legs and arms before slapping tape over my mouth to mute my screams. When the car starts, my heart drops to my feet. And then the vehicle starts to move.

This is it.

I can’t believe this is it.

Tears fall and the car remains silent for the rest of the drive. I have my suspicions about these people and who they work for. My father’s ruthless enough to pull something like this. Most fathers would probably take the hint if their daughters ran away from their own weddings but my dad’s not most fathers. Hedidtry to sell me off to some creep for money and power, after all.

The car stops after what feels like hours of driving. The men drag me out of the car out into a familiar space. My eyes are wet and skin is bruised where the men tied me up, but I’m not about to stop being difficult.

Even so, my breath quickens and my skin goes clammy as I watch my father appear and make his way to us. He demands that they untie me, and they immediately do as he asks.

There is a fire in my dad’s eyes unlike anything I have ever seen as he steps forward. I don’t see the slap coming, but I certainly feel it after. It stings almost as much as his shitty parenting.

“I should have expected this of you,” he says, his voice icy. “You are your mother’s daughter after all. Always running from responsibility.”

His words hurt like hell, but I know he’s not done. “That whore left me for her lover without so much as a goodbye. I thought I’d raised you to become a better person than her, but it seems I was wrong. Shame you turned into your whoring mother in the end.”

I fight back tears as I argue back. “I told you I didn’t want to marry that man. He’s a fucking creep who preys on young women and you are a selfish bastard to even—”

This time, I expect the slap. It’s hard to miss the way my words make him snap, with his mouth falling into a flat line and his shoulders heaving with rage. Before I left yesterday, I never would have dreamed of talking to him like this. Years of trying to be a perfect daughter to make up for my mother leaving are forgotten. I’m at my limit.

“Youshamedme yesterday. I had to make an excuse for you for not showing up at your own fucking wedding. I told them you came down with the flu. You had better get ready. Tonight, you are getting married and you’re not leaving my sight until that fucking happens.”

With a disgusted glare, he turns to leave but suddenly pauses at the sight of something behind me. I hear the sound of barking, of heavy footsteps.

When I look back, I see two big dogs running towards us, teeth flashing in the most menacing of ways and eyes focused on the men behind me.

And walking behind Brutus and Django is the angriest man I have ever seen.

My angry mountain man has come to rescue me.

Chapter Eight


I’m fixing the fence the kids tore a few days ago and I grow irritated with every nail I bury into the wood when Brutus comes sprinting past me, heading for the house. He must have the zoomies or something, so I refocus on my work.

I don’t know who these kids are but once I catch one of them, I’m going to scare them so bad they’ll hide in their house for the rest of their miserable little lives.

As I trim the last bit of excess wire from the fence, I hear barking. The sound of a starting car growls over the bark. Everything in me tenses up. The sound is far away, but it’s close enough for me to know it’s on my property and I immediately realize it’s trouble. Brutus and Django barking always means trouble.

I drop my tools immediately and rush into the barn and grab my shotgun before running back out. Melissa isn’t there when I enter the house but I still look for her, calling out her name but she doesn’t respond. When I go back outside, I see my boys pacing by the gate, which hangs open.

Someone got in. Someone took her.

Some fucking moron thought it was a good idea to trespass onto my land, intomyhome, and kidnapmywoman under my own fucking roof.

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