Page 49 of Very Bad Things

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“I know what you’re trying to do.”

“Tell me about the lake.” I smile.

“It was good. Ryan’s parents were hilarious. His dad brought a ukulele and got tipsy and sang. Totally embarrassed Ryan but made me laugh. Now, will you please tell me if anything more happened between you two? I’m not going to let it go.”

I’m not trying to be coy. I really debated on if I even wanted to talk about it since I have no idea what it even is.

“Okay, fine, but don’t freak out.” She lets out a high-pitched squeak of excitement. “I mean it. We might have kissed again and did a little more.”

“A little more or a lot more?”

“A lot more.”

“Oh my God.” Her mouth falls open. “Tell me everything. How wasit?”

“It was good, like goooood. Toe-curling, fireworks, I-finally-understand-what-the-big-deal-is good.” I feel a little awkward sharing this, for as close as we are, I’ve never been open about my sex life, maybe because it wasn’t as exciting as I wanted it to be in the past and I was ashamed. I felt guilty for wanting a more exciting sex life with Carson.

“Did you?”

“Yeah, so many times.” We both burst into laughter.

“So what’s this mean for you guys? Are you like a thing now?”

I shake my head, swallowing a bite of my pasta salad. “I don’t think so. I mean, maybe? But there’s no label or anything and I’m not going to ask him for one. I’m pretty sure it’s just a fling.”

“Yeah, but do you want be… flung?”

“Yeah, why not? You told me I needed to get back out there and have fun, not worry about a relationship and all that, so that’s what I’m doing.” I smile, shoving another bite of food into my mouth.

I want more with Weston, who wouldn’t? It felt good to be able to open up and talk to him about my past, but I am a little worried about how things turned so quickly with that conversation. He apologized that night and I accepted it, but we didn’t discuss it further. As much as he might not want to accept it or even agree, I do understand the pain of losing your other half and the fear that comes with moving on. Maybe he hasn’t moved on; maybe I haven’t either. Maybe we’re just losing ourselves in each other instead of facing that reality.

“Well, if that’s all it is and that’s all you want, then get it, girl, but if you want more and he can’t offer that, I’d say get out before the feelings get too deep. Otherwise, I hope he flings you to the fucking moon and back.”

* * *

“You look good bent over a desk.”

I whip my head around to look over my shoulder, Weston standing in my classroom looking drop-dead drool-worthy and sexy. He’s wearing my favorite combo on him, black pants with a black Oxford, two buttons undone, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearms.

“What are you doing here?” I smile. “Your mom already picked up Daisy.” I’m finishing up my day after all my students have left, reaching across my desk for my purse.

“You know what would make it even better?” He approaches me, his hands sliding over my ass to grab my waist. “If your panties were around your ankles.” He presses himself against me.

“Not in my classroom, Mr. Vaughn.” I spin around and push against his chest unsuccessfully.

“Mmm, you know what that does to me when you call me that, Miss Flowers.” His hands reach up to tilt my head as his lips caress mine.

“People can see, you know,” I say against his lips, but it doesn’t stop him.

“Just shut the fuck up and let me kiss you.” He growls the words into my mouth, his tongue snaking inside to lay claim. I feel his length harden against me, pulling a small moan from my throat.

“If Mr. Fein sees, I would get fired,” I say, finally putting some space between us.

“You really think he’d fire you if it was me kissing you?” He flashes an arrogant grin. “Come on now, baby, you know that man would let you get away with anything if it involved me.”

“True or not, I don’t want to push the limits and find out.”

“Oh, by the way, don’t think I forgot about your payment for the Bahamas trip.”
