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Geero looked at her. “You don’t have to get government authorizations?”

“Nope. All clearances to get her have been filed. She’s registered Z-Corp tech. She was the first biological repair on their books. I can reclaim her from anywhere in the world, and Ialwaysknow where she is.”

“Because you are the same person.”

“Correct.” She chuckled and then leaned forward to get a piece of lumber.

“I’ve got it.” He got up and bent next to the fire, loading a few logs before getting up and looking at her. He grinned.

She lowered the book that she had been peeping at him over. “Busted.”

He laughed. “You flatter me.”

“No, I don’t. You are very pretty. I know you are aware of this.”

He cocked his head. “I put effort into it. My other form is a little startling, so I try to make sure that this one is appealing.”

She dove back into the book. “Mission accomplished.”

He moved to sit next to her on the couch, and she was amazed at the heat that poured off his body.

“There is a huge library over there. You can pick what you like.”

He shrugged. “No, I am good. I like the silence here.”

She nodded. “Do you mind if I...”

“Go ahead.”

She calmed her mind and slipped into the book. The story was a classic romance with a lot of humour, and she smiled as the story evolved. Geero sat next to her with his hands on his thighs, eyes closed, and a slight smile on his lips. She turned her head to look at him, and her gaze tracked the sharp blade of his nose, the wide jaw, thick, snow-white hair, and skin with a dark tone. He was extremely pretty.

“You can touch if you like.” His lips moved slightly, and she jolted.

“Sorry. I don’t get to just stare at people often. Folks fidget if Titan looms close.”

He turned, and she was startled by the blue of his eyes. “I can see how that would be an issue.”

“Do you work for the BDC often?”

He chuckled. “Not often. Some of the other males have stories that would make my other form’s hair stand on end. I always pick low-stress engagements, like your sister.”

“Ah. Well, that’s good.”

“Why does your sister sleep so often?” He was close to her, very close.

Ondine chuckled. “She’s still growing up. Her brain continues developing new pathways, and her activation is getting stronger and changing.”

“So, you are not seeing anyone socially?”

She shook her head. “No. Why?”

He opened his com and sent a burst signal. He sighed. “Well, that’s that.”


“I just quit the BDC.”


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