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“Oh. Shoot. I should have a home. I will get on that. Maybe Yalida can help.” She glanced at Geero. “Do you know any real estate agents?”

He cocked his head. “I do. I know three, actually. Family occupation. They can find something in our budget.”

“Our budget?”

“It’s my daughter, too, and while I authorized my semen to be used for science, I didn’t authorize it to be turned into an infant.”

Ondine looked at him and was a little scared. “You are going to take her?”

“No, of course not, but she is part me and part you, so I am involved. I want her safe no matter what we have to do.”

He had a point.

“It would be better to have a place where we could both access her.”

“That would be wise. Can I send a message to get them to line up a few things?”

“Sure. The shielded com is at the desk. Have a seat, and it will rise up.”

He nodded and went over to the com system, typing quickly before sending the message out. “There, that should set the hounds loose.”

“You didn’t ask for a budget.”

He looked at her and blushed. “I have some savings. I pull a lot of hikers out of the mountains at twenty thousand a trip. I have done over a hundred per year since I was a teenager. I have a healthy bank balance.”

She nodded. “I have a bit to spend on a home as well.”

“That’s good. I hear babies need a lot of equipment.”

“So does Amadine. She needs a specialized environment. I can retrofit the home to be shielded in a few hours, but the tech that comes in is special. Human hands haven’t touched it. It won’t set Amadine off, so she can relax.”

He frowned. “Is she that sensitive?”

“Not anymore, but it is still a concern. It’s disconcerting when she can pull out displays of everything that happened to one piece of tech.”

“Just tech?”

“If it has an electric pulse, it can be charged with memories that she can replay. That is why the com that Titan ripped out is nearly contained in the fist. Titan is shielded.”

“When will we leave?”

“After breakfast, and oh, shit. I need to get dressed.” She looked down then looked at the baby. “And you are not allowed to use this kind of language.”

The baby opened her eyes and looked at her. The dark blue made her smile, and she glanced at Geero’s bright blue. Maybe.

“I’m getting dressed.”

“What fun, can I watch?”

She paused. “I guess, but you have seen most everything already.”

“Oh, there is always something new.” He chuckled. “I can point out things that have changed if you like.”

She huffed and walked to her room, unsurprised that he followed. First thing on the agenda was her hair. She couldn’t move Titan if her hair blinded her.

Chapter Seven

When everything was loaded into the study and Geero was curious, Titan crouched and touched the wall. The room descended, and the wall slid aside. Geero chuckled. “Emergency exit.”

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