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“Lance, you unilaterally decided to move an entire company to the most expensive city in the country. You had to know that not everyone would follow you there,” she says. “I was born here, went to school here, my mother lives here. Moving just doesn’t work for me.”

“Well, you could have spoken up sooner.” I snap, angry and hurt by her disloyalty.

“I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I know you’re hurt and disappointed. I didn’t want to do that to you.” I’m so angry, that I better not say anything at all right now. We have been working side by side for too long. I will regret whatever I say now. “I know you need me, but I can’t. My family comes first. You’re doing this for Nova, I am staying for my girls.” Her daughters are much older than Nova, they’re in high school and I understand they’d push back against a move.

“I can’t do this now, Kim. I am late for dinner. I have left Nova with a new nanny all day, and I just can’t deal right now. I don’t want to say something I can’t take back.” She nods, and I know she is about to cry. Kim is a hard-as-nails businesswoman, so if she needs to cry, this was not easy for her. “We can talk about what happens now, on Monday.” I am so done with this day. I just want to get out of here now.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was, and I know you don’t like missing dinner with him.” She steps out of my path. “I am sorry, Lance.”

“Sorry isn’t going to help, Kim,” I growl as I pass her, and part of me is beginning to wonder if this move was the right thing after all. My mood is even worse by the time I have made it through the traffic home, and I sit for a minute in my car, trying to calm down so Nova doesn’t see how mad I am. Two deep breaths, and I try to shove work out of my mind—it’s the weekend. I am now dad, not CEO and owner of the shitshow I dealt with all day. I am just a dad, and my job is to be happy and have fun.

I can smell the food when the doors open, and it’s definitely not my chicken. I follow the aroma to the kitchen, where Nova is sitting at the counter eating his food, and Sienna is tidying up.

“Hi, Lance.” She greets with a happy smile, her ponytail pulled up high. Her pink tank top gives way too much to look at. “I will dish up for you, sit. Nova helped me cook tonight after his soccer.” Nova’s mouth is full of food, but he gives me a thumbs up. He must like it. I kiss the top of his head and sit down next to him.

I don’t expect her to serve me dinner, she is here for my son, but after the day I had, I just need to sit for a moment. “Thank you,” I say as she puts a plate of spaghetti in front of me.

“Dad, Sienna hid like ten vegetables in the sauce, and you can’t even taste them or see them. She’s a food magician.” I’m impressed, because it tastes amazing, and I wouldn’t be able to identify anything other than spaghetti sauce. “We shopped today, and I pushed the cart. Did you have a fun day?” he asks me.

“I had a day.” I sigh, and without asking, Sienna hands me a cold beer from the fridge. “Thanks. You can knock off for the day. I have it from here,” I say as she throws a tea towel over her shoulder.

“You have had a day,” she says, understanding what that means. “Take a breather, eat your dinner, and I will get the grubby little soccer player ready for bed. It’s already late.” How did we get this lucky? “Nova, do you need help, or can you manage a bath or shower?” she asks him, and he quickly hops off the barstool.

“Shower, and yup. I can do it. Will you dry my hair after?” he asks, and she nods.

“I can do that. Remember to wash everywhere. You are gross from soccer.” He laughs when she calls him gross, and Sienna cleans the kitchen, packing the dishwasher and putting all the dinner ingredients back in the pantry.

“Thank you for the pictures today. I appreciate that.” It made my day and was so thoughtful.

“It’s a pleasure. I will always share what we are up to.” Sienna wipes her hands and stands on the other side of the island while I eat. “I have planned out his lessons following the program they sent you from his new school and contacted some other nannies at the agency. A few kids are doing the summer bridging program and I will arrange to do some outings and hands-on learning with them.” She tells me a few things they’ll need, and instead of listening, I am looking at her lips. The way her smile curves, and they bow perfectly in the middle. “He is on the team for the soccer match on Sunday. If you are busy, I will take him. He was so excited. I already said yes, he’d be there. The coach emailed me. I hope that’s okay?”

“I’ll take him. It’s fine.” He is not chosen often. I will make sure he goes. “How was practice?” I ask her to make small talk while Nova starts his shower serenade.

“I got a few sideways looks, but Nova is talented. His coach is a bit of a hack. I think he’d get a lot out of a private training clinic. I will do some research for you,” she says. I hadn’t thought about that, or had time to add to his schedule.

“Ah, the snooty-soccer-moms.” The looks would be from them. “Aren’t they delightful?” Sienna laughs, and blushes slightly. “Just ignore the vulture club, do not get sucked in. They’re vicious.” I warn her.

“I will be giving them a wide berth, but Nova says the soccer boys are his only friends. So, I wanted to know if there are any I can arrange some play time with?” I put down my knife and fork, my dinner was finished.

“I don’t really do play dates. There were some incidents with moms, and other dads. Because I am a single dad and accusations flew about affairs. It was all very complicated, so Nova and I just stayed to ourselves mostly.” Her eyes are wide, and I can see she is trying not to giggle. It’s funny now—it was not so funny then. Nova’s shower performance reaches crescendo, and we both laugh. “I am his dad, I cannot break his heart. You can tell him how bad his singing is, okay.” I joke and Sienna smiles at me.

“Let him sing, even if it’s bad,” she says. “Don’t crush him, or make him think about things like a grown up would. Let him sing his heart out, they don’t have to be good at something to do it.” I think I might just love this nanny, she is so different. So fresh, and full of honesty. Also, she can cook—Lord the food was good.

I realize why he might still be so hyper. In the chaos of my morning I forgot some things—I better mention them to her too. “He didn’t get his ADHD meds this morning, I forgot.” I sigh. “So I am sorry if he was completely hyper today. He needs to have them after breakfast. I’ll put them out so we don’t forget.” Sienna immediately puts a reminder in her phone, and I don’t get a lecture about giving him meds. Not even a shifty look.

“Great, I will make sure we stick to that routine. I am glad you told me. Makes a difference in how I will teach. Does the school in New York know?” she asks me. I didn’t tell them because I was afraid it would hinder his application.

“No,” I say, and that’s when she gives me the look.

“Lance, I am going to overstep for two minutes on my first day, but I have to,” she says. “A kid with ADHD will not survive in a school like that. He’s going to struggle.” That’s it, that’s all she says. Nova hollers to have his hair dried, and she leaves me in the kitchen. Before I can say anything or go after her, my phone rings—it’s Kim and I know I need to take it. I hated how our conversation ended earlier.

“Lance,” she says when I pick up, “I couldn’t leave it. I am sorry. I know you are mad, but please understand, I didn’t just decide this lightly.” Kim talks me through the impact moving would have on her family, and even though I am angry, I understand. This move was for Nova, and if something wasn’t going to be good for him, I would fight it too. We leave things unfinished, sort of in a limbo where I am still mad but I accept her reasons. When I am done talking things out with Kim, I go to read a story to my son. Our nightly quality time together. The book is getting to the good parts and we’re both enjoying it.

When I get to his door, I stop in my tracks. Sienna is sitting beside him, readingourstory. It immediately enrages me, that’smytime. How dare she overstep that way. I hold back storming in and taking over. My shit mood from work has carried over, and I leave them be. I will have a talk with her when they’re done.

I stomp back to the kitchen and sit at the island, stewing in anger that’s’ overflowed from work to home. I am furious at Sienna, and I know it’s irrational rage, she doesn’t know better. “He’s asleep.” Her voice startles me, and I spin around. It’s not her fault but I lose it. The whole day just becomes too much, and a small thing sends me off a ledge.

“Story time is my time, no matter how late or busy I am. You don’t read the story—I do.” I raise my voice louder than I should and she stands there with a shocked look. She isn’t sure of me.

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