Page 36 of Papi's Protection (Crime Boss Daddies)
She glanced around, feeling dejected. She didn’t know what she was going to do now.
Although, she knew one thing for sure.
She wasn’t eating that icky oatmeal.
Alejandro stepped out of the warehouse, squinting slightly.
Fuck. It was daytime?
“How long have we been in there? What time is it?” he asked as he climbed into the back of the waiting car.
They’d taken care of Sammy first and most of his top men. One of his top guys, Clive, was missing as well as some underlings, but Alejandro wasn’t worried about them.
By the time they’d arrived at this warehouse to deal with Vince the sun had been rising.
“About midday,” The Scot said cheerfully before shutting the door and climbing in the driver’s seat. Cairn climbed in the front passenger seat. “I didn’t think Cairn was going to break the bastard.”
Cairn grunted and sent The Scot a look.
“Then you stepped in, Boss. That was beautiful work.” The Scot held out one hand to Cairn who just stared at it instead of giving him a high-five.
Alejandro glanced down at his broken and bruised knuckles. He didn’t often get involved in interrogations. That was Cairn’s specialty.
Getting people to talk.
But this hadn’t been about information. It had been payback.
That bastard, Vince, had touched something that belonged to him.
Even if it was just a temporary ownership, she was his.
And that fucker hurt her.
Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly.
It was over now. Vince was no longer a problem. However, getting rid of him actually created another set of fucking issues.
He’d taken out two big players.
That wasn’t going to go down well.
However, no matter how many issues it created for him, though, he couldn’t apologize for taking Vince out.
“What are you going to tell the others about Vince?” The Scot asked.
That was the fucking question, wasn’t it?
Technically, he shouldn’t have made a move on Vince without everyone voting.
But since when had he been a fucking rule follower? He sighed, leaning his head back against the headrest.
“I need to arrange another meeting.”
That was going to be a pain in the fucking ass. And he wasn’t sure he should do it at Michelle’s.
“Also need to get someone else to do the clean-up. Can’t call Gavin on this one.”
Which was a pain in the ass since he basically ran clean-up for all of New York City.
“I have the Cleaner’s number,” Cairn said.
Alejandro shot him a look. “You do? He’ll come?”
The Cleaner was a one-man operation. Gavin had been trying to discover who he was for years so he could take out his competition.
It was nearly impossible to get his number.
“Yeah, he owes me a favor.”
The Scot whistled. “Keeping secrets, Cairn?”
Cairn shrugged. “We’ve always used Gavin. Never needed to bring it up.”
“You’re sure he’ll keep his mouth shut?” Alejandro asked.
“You know he will. He never talks,” Cairn replied.
That was true and it was the best he could do unless he wanted to get his men to do it themselves. And that was too risky.
“Call him on a burner phone when we get to The Circus of the Dark. I need to call Nighthawk.”
“You don’t want to head home and check on your guest?” The Scot asked.
Yes. That was exactly what Alejandro wanted to do. But the city was a fucking mess, and he had plenty of hit to fix.
“No. Head to the Circus. I need to talk to Nighthawk. Scot, I need you to contact the others. Tell them there’s another meeting tonight at nine at Michelle’s.”
They drove to the Circus, parking underneath before heading up in the elevator to the private floor above the club. Both Cairn and The Scot peeled off to do what they needed to. When he entered his office, he sat behind his desk. Exhaustion washed through him in a deep, dark wave. In his twenties, he’d been able to go days without sleep.
Not anymore. He was going to suffer from lack of sleep soon.
But he didn’t have time to be tired right now. Instead, for the next few hours, he put out as many fires as he could. He had his men scattered, moving in on Sammy’s businesses and making sure that everyone knew who had taken over his territory.
Alejandro knew he’d need to put in an appearance at most of these places over the next few days.
Grabbing a burner phone, he put through a call to Nighthawk. Absurd name, but he was the best hacker that Alejandro knew. Which was why he was on his payroll.
“Who is this?” a deep voice whispered. “What do you want? How did you get this number?”
Alejandro sighed. Every. Fucking. Time.
“It’s me. Alejandro.”
“Alejandro who?”
“Alejandro De Leon,” he said through gritted teeth. As if this fucker knew a bunch of Alejandros. As if he knew anyone else who would call him.
“Oh, why didn’t you say so? How’s the shizzle, Aly?”
“I don’t know what that means, and don’t call me Aly,” he grumbled.