Page 42 of A Hero For Heather

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No, she’d let him do it.

Because yeah, maybe he was going to blow her off. But she knew he’d be honest when the time came and at least tell her.

“She told me I can take what I need while she is out,” Heather said. “I was going to gather a few things.”

“She trusts you,” Lily said. “I know she is a little nervous about taking off three months. I told her to do it, but she said she’ll be stopping in with the baby to check on things. I reminded her I had no problem running the greenhouses before her.”

“There weren’t as many back then,” Heather said.

“No,” Lily said. “But we’ve got good staff that Jasmine trained well. I know how hard it is to walk away from something you love so much, but the family has to come first too.”

“I’m sure she will find a nice mix,” she said. “Everyone seems to have done that.”

“Yes,” Lily said. “Poppy has been doing things from home even though we told her not to.”

“You didn’t listen,” she reminded her boss.

“No. Which is why I’m not getting on Poppy’s case. She has Reese to do that. When you own a business it’s hard to walk away but much easier when you’ve got wonderful staff to rely on. Just like we all do. You included.”

“Thank you,” she said. “It’s great to be appreciated.”

“How are your parents?” Lily asked.

It seemed to her that her boss wanted to talk when that didn’t happen often.

But they were off today so it was more of a personal conversation.

“They are well. It was nice to see them and my brothers last month for Easter.”

“Did your brothers give you a hard time like always? And your mom?”

She’d made comments in the past about her brothers always picking on her or protecting her from her mother’s remarks.

“It was the same as always. My mother means well, but she said what she always does. She doesn’t understand why I’m wasting my education when I could be saving the world. I love what I do. I don’t know why she can’t understand that. I never was going to be a doctor. And though I work in a lab now and love it, it’s not the same as looking at cells under microscopes.”

“You do look at things under microscopes,” Lily said.

“I do. And I gather data and input it much easier now, thanks to Ren’s software he wrote for me.”

Zane’s sister was married to Ren Whitney who was a software developer. She’d picked his brain a while ago about a spreadsheet she had and he offered to write her a program to use instead. He said it was easy enough and she loved it.

“It’s nice to have so many talented people around us willing to help,” Lily said “So let me help you gather your flowers. It will be like old times for me. Then you can show me more of what you’re working on.”

“It’s supposed to be a holiday,” she said.

“As I said, it’s hard to walk away from what you love.”

Heather laughed and the two of them gathered everything she needed and went to her lab. She showed her boss what she’d been working on. The scents she was still trying to perfect and the lotions she would like to put them in. Then body sprays and room sprays.

“It’s a lot to take in, I know. I should be more focused.”

“Not at all,” Lily said. “It’s easy to move to something new when you’ve got an idea. I know with everything going on in the past few months in our lives you’ve kept quiet. I don’t want you to feel that way. We all have a voice here.”

“I know,” she said. “But I’m working on the products we have for sale now. We’ll be gearing up for the holiday season soon even though it’s only the beginning of the summer.”

They were always in production months in advance or figuring out what to do.

“That’s right. Nothing stops because we have things going on in our lives. It’s going to continue too. Weddings and babies will come. Sadness and happiness with it in life. I find work keeps me centered. Not sure if that is healthy or not.”
