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“What do I do?” I asked him, still panicking. “Where am I? How did I get here?”

“The dream kings pulled you from your world while you slept. This is Bluhm. You’re the only creature without magic here.” His eyes closed for a moment, his jaw clenching.

“Kiss me. It’ll make you sane again—just kiss the fuck out of me,” I blurted.

His lips crashed into mine almost instantly, and somehow, the kiss grounded me.

My hands found his arms, moving up and over his muscles before lifting to his hair and sliding into the strands. He swept me up off the stony ground, setting me on his lap. His fingers gripped my ass, kneading it as he brutalized my mouth in the sexiest way it had ever been touched, used, or kissed before. The smell of burnt hair didn’t fade, but the smell of him—smoky, and piney—seemed to invade every pore of my body.

I wasn’t a small girl by any definition of the word, but I felt tiny with his arms around me. And somehow, I managed to forget the volcano for those moments that our lips were locked together.

His fingers slid between my ass cheeks, and I inhaled sharply, withdrawing myself from the kiss quickly.

Yeah, that was untouched territory. I’d had sex before, but nevergoodsex—definitely not good enough to ever consider letting anyone near my back entrance.

I wasn’t a prude, but I wasn’t a one-night-stand girl either. My brain just didn’t have that setting. If I banged someone with my body, I wanted them to bang my mind too—as stupid as that probably sounded. Emotional connections were just extremely important to me.

“Whoa, there. I said kissing, not—” my eyes caught on something big and orangey-red, only somewhat visible through the thick, dark smoke surrounding me, but clearly a good distance away from us and below us too. “Oh, shit.”

That was the volcano.

The one we’d been standing on just a minute or so earlier.

He had transported us, somehow. Through the fire? Was that a thing?

However he’d transported us, we were on a higher mountain, far enough that the volcano wouldn’t burn us.

Damn, he wasn’t kidding about that magic. That must’ve been what he was doing when he burned me. Given that I could usually see those strange flame-like shapes dancing in his eyes when they were glowing, I guessed it made sense that his magic was fire-related.

“Kissing doesn’t hold it off for long,” the man growled at me, his hands tightening on my ass. “It’s going to take me again soon. Stay here until the eruption stops completely, and then a week longer. If my people come for me, hide, but don’t go down the mountain. Eat only the gray berries—touch none of the others.” As he spoke, his eyes once again began to glow more and more.

Desperation clutched my chest tightly. “There’s no one else here. Nowhere to sleep. What am I supposed to do?”

His eyes were glowing full-on again, before I finished speaking. And his body was stiff.

Fear had my heartbeat picking up rapidly.

“I didn’t even ask your name,” I whispered to him, staring at his now-blank face.

He said nothing, and did nothing.

I dragged a hand over the top of my wrecked hair, staring hopelessly out at the volcano I could still see exploding in the distance. It was creating a lava show that reminded me of fireworks, as if it was celebrating the fact that I had fallen asleep in my shitty apartment and woken up in what currently appeared to be an even shittier world.
