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Some of them make you laugh.

Some of them make you think harder.

Some of them make you feel more confident.

But somedochange your life.

And this series is one of those.

Not because of reviews, or sales, or anything like that. But because of the way the characters touched me. All of them, in their own ways.

They made me think differently. They made me look at the world in a new light.

And they brought me joy, reminding me why I love books, after a time where I wasn’t sure I would ever write again.

So not every book changes your life, but these ones? They certainly affected mine.

I might be done writing in Vevol, but I won’t be forgetting these characters, this world, or the way these stories made me feel for a long, long time. And I hope that maybe you felt just a fraction of that, too.

Thank you so much for reading!

All the love,

Lola Glass <3

PS—if you’ve loved my Wild Hunt series, you’ll probably enjoy my Kings of Disaster series or my Sacrificed to the Fae King trilogy! Both of them feature humans who pair up with fae, and have a lot of the same vibes. Turn the page for a peek at one of them!

Chapter One

Capturing the King of Flames

I opened my eyes,and all I could see was smoke.

What the hell?

I swore I could remember going to sleep in my room, staring up at my yellowed-white popcorn ceilings, and…

A man leaned over me.

His face was a masterpiece of chiseled lines, absolutely gorgeous, but his eyes…

They glowed.

The orbs were golden, and for a moment, I thought I could see fire dancing within them.

Suddenly, I understood what was going on.

I was dreaming.

It was the weirdest dream of my life, but a dream was a dream.

Because it was a dream, I didn’t roll away from the man. I just let my eyes move over him, let myself look at him.

Damn, my subconscious had done well.

His chin was smooth-shaven, his hair golden with the sides cut jaggedly, close to his head. When I peered at them, the short strands there looked almost… blackened. Like they’d been burned or something.

His biceps were massive, his muscles insanely huge. I wasn’t small, but somehow, leaning over me like that, he made me feel petite.
