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Trapped in an underground cave.

I’d never been there before; it was on unseelie territory, so I didn’t know the area.

I’d seen one promising way out, though. Hopefully it would eventually lead to the surface, because I wasn’t about to carry my female back into the klynna’s prison with all of thosethingsthe goddess had apparently created on her deathbed.

My female.

Fuck, I needed to change my damn mindset.

I’d never been able to convince myself that she wasn’t mine, or that I didn’t want her. Not when I thought she was in love with Aev. Definitely not when Summer was asking me to mate with her, though she clearly didn’t love me.

And not one damn fucker knew.

We’d been careful; everyone wanted her, because she was literally the only woman in our world. I’d kept her safe, and never asked anything from her. She’d told me about kissing, about oral sex, about fucking.

And I’d never told a damn soul.

We’d been planning on trying the first one, the night she was taken from me. Those damn unseelies had knocked me and the other seelie guards out with a mixture of koveko and some other plant that I still hadn’t fucking figured out. I’d been checking on them, just about to call it a night and climb into bed with my female. She had just gotten out of the shower, and I knew she wasn’t wearing anything but the t-shirt she always slept in. I was going to kiss her, and if she let me, ravage the rest of her body with my mouth.

But the unseelies stole her from me.

I caught up to them at the same time Aev did. He was there to kick their asses—any fool could’ve seen that.

But then he looked at her.

And she looked at him.

The hope in her eyes… the way she said their souls were connected… it nearly killed me.

I let out a slow breath, shaking my head and yanking my thoughts out of the past.

Twenty years was way too damn long to still be caught up on that. I’d wondered if I could fall in love with one of the other ex-human females the same way I had with Naomi, but none of them even smelled good to me.

The only woman I wanted was the one who didn’t want me.


Things were different, now.

She had said I was wrong about her not wanting me.

I didn’t want to let myself hope that we might fall right back to where we’d been. It had been far too long for that.

But we were both unattached.

And she was looking for a mate.

Maybe we could get reacquainted.


Fuck, I shouldn’t have even been considering it.

But that didn’t change a damn thing about what I wanted.


I had always wanted her.
