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He had asked that question about three times already. And I gave him my regular answer.

"She'll have cookies and ice cream, maybe some pizza if you're really good,” I told him.

"I'll be good,” he said, nodding energetically. I smiled at him fondly.

"I know that” I replied, handing him the coloring books I had brought from home to keep him occupied.

As the plane taxied down the runway and took to the skies, I couldn't help letting my thoughts drift to Becca. Memories of our laughter, our shared dreams, and the depth of our connection flooded my mind. I yearned to hold her in my arms again, to gaze into her eyes and convey the magnitude of my love and regret.

Beside me, Mark fidgeted with excitement, mirroring my own anticipation. His voice filled with hope and nervousness, he asked, "Dad, do you think Becca will be happy to see us?"

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, I mustered a confident smile. "I believe she will, buddy. We're going to show her just how much we love her and how committed we are to making things right. We're going to be a family, and families stick together through thick and thin."

Mark nodded, determination shining in his eyes. "I miss her a lot, Dad."

A pang of longing tugged at my heart. "I miss her too, Mark. We're going to do everything in our power to make things right and bring her back into our lives."

As the plane soared through the skies, I found solace in the breathtaking views below. The vastness of the horizon reflected the limitless possibilities that lay ahead for our family. I silently vowed to seize this opportunity, to lay my heart bare and beg for Becca's forgiveness.

With each passing mile, the distance between us and Becca diminished. My grip tightened on the armrest, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. I knew that the road to reconciliation wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to go to any lengths to rebuild what we had lost.

Inside the cabin, surrounded by luxury and propelled by powerful engines, Mark and I hurtled towards our destination. The plane felt like a vessel of hope, carrying us closer to the chance of rekindling our love and rewriting our future.

As we approached our destination, my resolve solidified. I would approach Becca with humility and a renewed sense of commitment. Together with Mark, I would show her the depths of my love, my willingness to change, and my unwavering dedication to her and the family we could have.

The plane touched down, signifying our arrival. Mark and I exchanged a glance filled with determination, ready to embark on this pivotal chapter in our lives. With every step we took on the unfamiliar ground, we moved closer to the possibility of healing, redemption, and the sweet reunion that awaited us.

When we arrived at Becca's parent's home in Michigan, an air of excitement engulfed the atmosphere. The front yard bustled with activity, as a crew of workers hurriedly set up the surroundings to mimic the place where Becca and I had first crossed paths as children.

I watched with anticipation as the crew meticulously arranged colorful decorations, recreating the nostalgic ambiance that held so much meaning for both Becca and me. The sound of hammers and chatter filled the air, mingling with the palpable energy of the moment.

Mark stood by my side, his eyes widening with wonder. "Dad, what are they doing?" he asked, tugging at my sleeve.

A warm smile played on my lips as I knelt at his level. "They're helping us create a special surprise for Becca. This place held a lot of memories for her and me. We want to show her just how much she means to us."

Mark's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That's amazing, Dad! I can't wait to see her reaction."

I tousled his hair affectionately. "Me neither, buddy. It's going to be a moment she'll cherish."

As we made our way towards the front door, Natalie and Steve greeted us with warm embraces. They had been instrumental in orchestrating this surprise, their unwavering support serving as a beacon of hope throughout the journey. And there was I, waxing lyrical. Which was crazy. It wasn't like me. Maybe I was more nervous than I let on.

Natalie grinned, her eyes brimming with excitement. "Hunter, Mark, we're so glad you're here. Everything is falling into place perfectly. Becca will be overwhelmed with joy."

Steve nodded in agreement. "This is our way of showing her that you're committed to making things right, Hunter. Just remember, be sincere, and let your love shine through."

Their words resonated deeply within me. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the emotional rollercoaster that awaited. This was my chance to prove to Becca that my love for her was unyielding and that I was willing to fight for our family.

As we entered the house, the familiar scent of Becca's childhood home enveloped me, bringing back a flood of memories. The living room had been transformed into a whimsical setting, adorned with twinkling fairy lights and photographs capturing precious moments from our past.

A friendly lady greeted us with a warm smile at the entrance of the living room, serving as the guardian of this heartfelt surprise. She handed us each a white rose, symbolizing love and purity, and directed us toward the space where the magic would unfold.

I held Mark's hand tightly, his small fingers intertwining with mine. Together, we walked into the transformed room, my heart brimming with anticipation.

The crew members, now dressed in casual attire, discreetly faded into the background, leaving us to soak in the ambiance. It felt as if time had rewound, transporting me back to the day when Becca and I had first connected in this very place. Except it wasn't this place. This place was fantasy, a mirror of that place.

My gaze swept across the room, taking in the meticulous details—the vintage photographs adorning the walls, the old bookshelf filled with familiar titles, and the soft melodies of our favorite songs playing softly in the background.

Emotions surged through me as I imagined Becca's reaction when she stepped into this space. I hoped it would evoke a sense of nostalgia and remind her of the love and connection we shared since childhood.

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