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"I'm your brother,” I snapped.

"And she's my best friend. I support you Hunter, but you have to admit you fucked up."

"I said I was sorry,” I replied.

"To whom? Didn't you just say she wouldn't pick your calls?" Steve replied. Mark threw the ball at Steve, and he caught it and threw it back. Far enough that Mark giggled and ran after it again. His chubby feet leading him away from us. I kept my eye on him.

"To you, you should tell me where she is,” I replied. I turned towards him and his wandering eyes, he hadn't looked at me squarely since he arrived.

"I can't do that Hunter, she made me promise,” He replied.

I could feel my frustration growing. My brow furrowed, and I clenched my fists. The weight of my mistake was pressing.

"I get it, Steve. I messed up," I admitted, my voice filled with a mixture of regret and desperation. "But I need to make things right. I need to apologize to her, face-to-face."

"Look, Hunter," Steve began, his voice softer now, tinged with empathy. "I understand you want to apologize, but right now, she needs time. Time to heal, time to find herself again. Pushing her might only make things worse."

My shoulders slumped, my resolve slowly crumbling under the weight of reality. I knew Steve was right, but it was difficult to accept when my heart longed for reconciliation and for her. The sound of her laugh as she giggled with Mark, her moans when she made time for us later. I wanted it back, and it was getting hard pretending to myself.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing," I whispered, my voice laden with defeat. "I think I love her, Steve. Losing her... it's tearing me apart."

The sound of laughter drew our attention to Mark, still playing with the ball. His innocent joy amidst the turmoil reminded me of the fragility of the bonds I cherished.

Steve placed a hand on my shoulder, his gaze meeting my eyes at last. "You think you love her? I know you love her Hunter. And I know it hurts," he said, his voice filled with compassion. "But sometimes love means respecting someone's wishes, even if it goes against our own desires. Maybe, in time, Becca will find it in her heart to forgive you."

I let out a heavy sigh, the weight of my impatience and remorse settling on me. With a conflicted expression, I nodded, acknowledging the truth in Steve's words.

"Okay," I conceded, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll wait. I'll give her the space she needs."

Steve's grip on my shoulder tightened, a silent display of solidarity and support. The understanding shared between us as brothers transcended words.

Together, we watched as Mark giggled, his innocent laughter filling the air once again. In that moment, I found solace in the reminder that time had a way of healing wounds and that the love I held for Becca would endure, even in the face of adversity.

And Steve was a joke. I was going for my woman. I loved her and I wanted her to know. If she refused, then I had done my best, but she wouldn't because Becca loved me too. I knew that with the same certainty that I would pick my son out of a crowd. She loved me, there was no other option.

A Proof of Love

Hunter's POV

Excitement strummed in the air as I whistled a short tune and turned to Steve. The prospect of potentially reconnecting with Becca filled me with both anticipation and trepidation.

"Do you think I should call her again?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Steve sighed, his eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and caution. "Hunter, you've tried calling her countless times before. It hasn't helped, has it?"

He was right. My previous attempts at reaching out to Becca had been met with silence, leaving me with a hollow ache in my chest. But something had shifted within me, a realization slowly taking hold. It wasn't just a desire to hear her voice again; it was an acknowledgment of the depth of my love for her.

"I know it hasn't worked in the past," I admitted, my voice laced with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "But maybe, just maybe, this time will be different."

Steve studied me for a moment, his gaze filled with understanding. "Hunter, she needs space. Pushing her might only make things worse."

I nodded, appreciating his concern and wisdom. He had always been the voice of reason, the one who knew when to rein me in. But this time, I couldn't let fear hold me back any longer.

"I understand, Steve. But this isn't just about making amends. It's about realizing how much I love her," I confessed, my voice growing stronger with each word.

Before Steve could come up with another word of discouragement, I pulled out my phone and dialed her number, the seconds stretching into an eternity as it rang. My heart raced, anticipation coursing through my veins.


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