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I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts that were weighing me down. But they persisted, like an unshakeable weight on my shoulders. I tried to focus on the sounds around me-the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, the distant sound of an animal in the brush. Anything to distract myself from my own thoughts.

But it was no use. I couldn't escape the reality of my situation. I was going to be a father, whether I wanted to be or not. And Becca was going to be the mother of my child. It was a terrifying thought, and one that I wasn't sure I was ready for.

I stopped in my tracks, leaning against a tree and letting out a long sigh. I knew I couldn't keep running from my problems forever. Sooner or later, I would have to face them head-on. But for now, I just needed to clear my head and figure out what I wanted - for myself, and for the baby.

The sky was darkening overhead, much like my own mood, but soon it would clear and leave me behind, leave me with the same niggling worry at the back of my mind. Why exactly was I so angry?

Leaving It All Behind

Becca's POV

I lay in bed, my hand resting on my stomach as I thought about the baby inside me. Despite everything that was going on with Hunter, I couldn't help feeling a sense of happiness and excitement about the life growing inside me.

But at the same time, my heart was heavy with sadness and confusion. Hunter was angry with me for not telling him about the baby sooner, and I didn't know how to make things right between us. Our arguments seemed to be endless, and I was tired of feeling like we were at odds with each other.

As I lay there, my thoughts drifted to the future. What kind of life would we have with a baby? Would we be able to work through our issues and be a happy family? Or were we too far gone to ever find our way back to each other?

I smiled softly, shaking my head from side to side. I needed a moment to myself, to think and to work on myself. I wasn't going to sit around and cry. I'd already done enough of it. My baby was depending on me and I was depending on myself. No doubt about it, with Hunter so angry, he wouldn't be any good to me.

I got off the bed and walked to the closet, it was almost empty. After the morning at the hospital, Hunter had brought the bags back into the house from his car and there had been no talk about leaving here anymore, but I was tired.

The tension, the arguments and the shouting, it was getting to me. I needed to get out of here before I blew a fuse. I'd give Hunter time to settle, and I knew just the perfect place to do that. I pulled my box towards me and unhung my single lounge wear from the closet, it was all I had left behind to wear on the drive home.

I slipped out of the shorts I was wearing and slipped into the two-piece. Then I picked my phone off the bed and called Natalie. She picked up fast.

"Well, hello stranger,” she greeted. "How's the vacation?"

"Nat,” I said, my voice choked with emotion. I didn't want to blame the baby for my weepy state, but something was making me cry.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" Nata asked. I could imagine the worry etched on her face as she spoke.

"Hunter found out about the baby before I could tell him, he's not happy,” I informed her.

"Well, he sounded mad when he called to say he wouldn't be coming to pick up Mark. I warned you about this,” Nat replied.

"I know but it wasn't so easy, and would you believe it, he accused me of hiding the baby to go after his money. Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?" I asked. The very thought of it made me angry. Going after his money? Me? I'd even offered to pay for dinner most times.

"Okay, well now he went too far," Nat snapped. "I'll call him and give him a piece of my mind, the weasel!"

"No!" I replied immediately. If Nat called Hunter, it would only make things worse. The whole trust issue would come up again and I didn't want to deal with that again. "Do not even think about doing that, Nat, but I do need your help. Think you can pick me up from the cabin?"

"Is it that bad?" she asked. "If you leave, Becca, you understand, he'll think you don't care, right? He'll be hurt more. When things get tough baby, you hang around and hold on tight. It's like a long-distance run, the farther you go, the tougher it becomes."

"I'm trying Nat, he won't even speak to me, all he does is growl, we haven't even been able to talk, I know I'm wrong but seriously. Come pick me up, I'm waving my hands in the air now. I'm distressed."

I walked over to the bed and settled on it, running my hand over my stomach. Soon there would be a bump to pat, for now, my stomach was flat, but I still wanted to comfort my baby. It was crazy, but patting my stomach reminded me of the gift of new life growing inside me and it calmed me down.

"I'll come of course, and I really hope you do not regret this. What you and Hunter have is worth fighting for in every sense of the word."

"Too bad. I can't fight myself, can I? He's not even making the effort, you know what? Just come here and pick me up. I'm leaving, back to the country with my parents for some time, vacations over,” I said finally.

"You know I'll always support you and I think this is a bad decision but if you're certain, send me the address, I'll be there as soon as I can,” Nat replied. I could hear shuffling as she walked around.

"Thank you for doing this, I'll see you,” I said. I hung up and fell back on the bed, then I made a final decision—if Hunter made it back from his walk before Nat arrived then I would do my best to talk to him but if he didn't, I'd leave, and I wouldn't look back.

And it wouldn't matter how much it broke me to do it, I would do it. It wasn't just me on the line now, my baby was a priority, and I wouldn't let it suffer the indignity of a father who didn't want him or her. He didn't make it back; it was all the proof I needed that he just didn't care.


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