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Hunter’s behavior had hurt, but I was ready to get over it. I needed to. Besides, Nat had been right. Sleeping with him had been a bad idea anyway. He had a child, and he was Steve’s brother. It didn’t get more complicated than that and the last thing I needed was complication. I already had enough of those just from running the cafe.

A Proper Date

I took a sip of the scalding tea and set the cup beside me on the stool. Then settled back into the couch, feeling sick of myself, feeling terrible about the way I had treated Becca the morning after we had slept together.

I had been dismissive and distant, clarifying that I was only interested in a casual fling. But that wasn't true, not entirely. I wanted to see her again, to get to know her better. I just didn't want to come to need her. And I was still worried about raising Mark along with another baby.

I made a snap decision and sprung off the couch. I would go down to her cafe and apologize in person. Maybe I could ask her out on a proper date and make it up to her. I got in my car and drove down to the cafe, rehearsing what I was going to say.

I drove down the winding road that led to Becca's cafe, my thoughts in a jumbled mess. An apology had never been my strong suit, especially when it came to Becca. We’d spent years bickering and now we were grown, but I was still treating her like the little girl I had known years ago. But Becca was a grown woman, and I needed to remember that.

As I parked my car in the lot, I took a deep steadying breath and tried to compose myself. I didn't want to mess this up any more than I already had.

Walking into the cafe, I immediately spotted Becca behind the counter. She looked busy, and I didn't want to cause a scene in front of her customers.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her quietly, hoping she would step outside or into the kitchen, where they could have some privacy.

Becca's eyes met mine and I could see the hurt in them. I knew then that I had a lot of making up to do. I was willing to do whatever it took to make things right between us if she would even dare to speak a word to me.

"Can you wait a minute?" she asked, indicating that she was busy with customers.

I nodded, feeling awkward and out of place. I sat at a table and waited patiently, my mind racing with thoughts of what I was going to say to Becca.

After a few minutes, Becca walked over to me, her face looked closed off, like she was here because she’d learned courtesy and not out of any real desire to speak to me "What's going on, Hunter?" she asked, her voice hard.

I nodded at the chair opposite me and begged with my eyes for her to have a seat. She hesitated a moment, looked around at the patrons, and slide into the chair.

“Make it as fast as you can,” she said.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted the morning after," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "I was a total jerk, and I shouldn't have treated you like that. I'm sorry."

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were being a jerk. Thanks for illuminating me on that one,” she said snidely, her voice a hiss.

Okay, this would be more difficult than I thought.

“I had no idea how to handle the situation,” I said, by way of apology.

Becca raised an eyebrow. "And how should I handle the fact that you basically ignored me the morning after we had sex?"

I winced. I knew I deserved that. "I'm sorry," I said again. "I want to make it up to you. “I was worried that morning,” I said, keeping my eyes on hers. I could do honesty, too.

“About what?” She asked, her voice disinterested.

“You, us,” Mark” I replied. “I was conflicted. I was scared. I had no idea what to say, so I decided to ignore it.”

Becca's expression softened a bit, and I felt a glimmer of hope. "I understand, but you didn't have to be so dismissive of my feelings," she replied. "I was hurt, Hunter. But I appreciate you coming here to apologize."

I reached out and took Becca's hand, my heart pounding in my chest. "I'm sorry, Becca," I said again, my voice barely audible. "Can we start over? Can I take you out on a proper date?"

Becca hesitated for a moment, and I held my breath. I didn't know what I would do if she said no. But then she nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Okay, Hunter. Let's start over."

I felt a surge of relief and happiness wash over me. "Thank you, Becca," I said, feeling like she’d given me a second chance. "Let's go out to dinner tonight. Just the two of us."

Becca nodded and smiled tentatively at me. I stretched my hand across the table and placed it over hers, rubbing my thumb across her fingers.

“Just so you know. You’re paying,” Becca said.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” I replied. Everything would be fine then. If I could only keep away from hurting her. It had already happened twice and as they said, the third time is the charm.

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