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As I listened to their argument, my heart sank. I didn't want Christian to get into a fight with Davis, especially not at my place of work.

“Christian, please," I said, stepping forward. "Let's just go."

But he didn't move, and his eyes stayed fixed on Davis. "I'm not going anywhere until we sort this out."

"Christian, come on," I said, trying to pull him away. "Let's leave it. It's not worth it."

But he shook me off, his attention still focused on Davis. "I won't let him get away with this."

"Christian, please," I said again, my voice pleading. "I don't want you to get into a fight."

He turned to look at me, his eyes were fiery. "I don't want to fight, Alex. But I can't just let him walk all over you that way”

"I know, I know," I said, placing a hand on his arm. "But let's just leave it for now. We can deal with it later."

I felt Christian's arms tense as I tried to pull him away from Davis.

"Christian, please," I said one more time, my voice rising. "You stop that now!"

But he shook me off, his eyes still fixed on Davis. "No, Alex. I need to settle this once and for all."

Davis smirked. "What's the matter, Christian? You afraid I'm going to steal your woman?"

Christian's face twisted in anger. "You stay away from Alex, Davis. Do you hear me? She's mine, and I won't let anyone take her away from me."

Davis just laughed. "You're acting like a possessive lunatic, Christian. Alex can make her own choices."

"Shut up!" Christian shouted, taking a step closer to Davis.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the two of them face off. I knew that Christian was just trying to protect me, but I also knew that he was risking my job by getting into a fight with Davis.

"Christian," I said, my voice dangerously low. "Let's go home and talk about this later." I was getting angry now.

But he didn't listen. Davis was the sheer focus of his attention. "I'm not leaving until he promises to stay away from you. He’s not allowed to do that to you," he said, his voice seething with rage.

"I know you're trying to help, but you're only making things worse. We need to find a way to deal with this without causing a scene," I begged.

A sense of despair washed over me. This was the real Christian, his suave demeanor a mask he wore most of the time. His stubbornness was starting to take a toll on our relationship. I wished he could see things from my perspective and let it go.

Christian was so focused on defending me that he couldn't see that his actions were only making things worse. I felt my anger boil over.

"You never listen to me," I said, my voice shaking with frustration. "You just barge in and start fighting with Davis without even considering how I feel. I told you I’d deal with it my way".

Christian looked at me with a mixture of surprise and anger. "What are you talking about? I'm just trying to help."

"You're not helping, Christian," I said firmly. "You're making things worse. And you never listen to me. You always think you know what's best, and you never give a moment's thought to how I feel"

Christian opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"I can't do this anymore," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I can't keep fighting with you like this. I need some space."

I moved away and started packing up my things, not even looking at Christian or Davis. I knew I needed time to think, to figure out if our relationship was worth fighting for.

“I’m not going to cry,” I whispered to myself over and over again, like a mantra. This was a wake-up call. Christian needed to learn how to listen to me, to respect my feelings and opinions. If he couldn't do that, then we had no future together. I needed to stop imagining it could be different. The man would never change.

As I walked out of the office, I could feel the stares of my colleagues following me. I knew they had heard the argument. I kept my head down and avoided eye contact.

The last thing I needed was for anyone to try talking to me. I slipped out of the door and walked to my car. I needed to get out of here and into a safe space, somewhere I could deal with my emotions without an audience of co-workers. Christian could murder Davis if he saw fit. It was none of my business now.

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