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He raised an eyebrow. "And why should I help you? It’s no secret how I feel about you."

"I realize that, but it’s Sophie and Nathan’s wedding. They need everything to be perfect, and it’s our duty to make sure that it is.”

Christian looked at me for a long moment, his expression inscrutable. Finally, he spoke.

“My secretary Ellen will offer any assistance you need,” he said.

That would be terrible.

“Your secretary knows nothing about Nathan or Sophie, not the way we both do.”

“That’s true," he said. "Look. I could help you, I guess, but don’t go thinking it’s for you, because it’s not,” he told me, leaning forward and staring at me intently.

Those eyes felt hot like a laser, and I was sure to lose the bet if I let him get to me like that. It was time to move the plan along. It was getting late.

I leaned in, trying to make eye contact with him. "But that's where you're wrong, Christian. You know it really is for me.”

He leaned back against the sofa, spreading his arms out. “Do I now?” he asked.

“I see the way you look at me Christian. That's not how you look at the enemy,” I laughed, getting up and gliding over to his sofa.

“You can’t think that I want anything to do with you,” he said, shifting closer to me. The move was unconscious, and it was just the boost I needed. There you go. He couldn’t possibly resist the allure of a beautiful woman. Besides, I knew that the coldest ones grew hottest with the least provocation.

“Oh but you do. I know it, you know it, and you know I know it,” I said leaning into him, my eyes flickering over his lips. His eyes followed mine and latched onto my lips.

“This is tempting,” he growled, putting his hands around my waist and pulling me closer.

“And like I said, you want it.” I felt my eyes slowly closing as I leaned into his body. I felt his hand at the nape of my neck and then his fingers in the hair I'd spent so much time on. I didn’t mind. I wanted that kiss, and it appeared that he wanted it just as much as I did, I thought triumphantly.

Without a word, I pressed my body against his. I could feel the tension in his muscles, his breath catching in his throat.

"Relax," I whispered, my lips brushing against his ear. "Just let yourself feel."

Christian's eyes closed as I ran my hands through his hair, my fingers tracing down the back of his neck. He was unresponsive at first, but then I felt him start to relax into my touch.

Suddenly, he pulled me in roughly with a groan and put his lips to mine. Suddenly he was powerful and needy, his lips searing mine, his tongue forcing my lips open. I kissed him back with the same hunger, my hands around his neck.

Just as suddenly, the kiss was over. Christian pulled away from me, looking as cold as he had been hot a moment before.

“Is that what you meant?” he asked wryly. “Cause I’ve had better.”

To think I'd almost had it in the bag. I ran my hand through my hair, looking at him defiantly.

“Say what you want Christian, but you couldn’t help yourself.”

“You’d be splayed all over my bed right now if that was true,” he replied with a smirk.

That irked me, and he was probably right too.

“Why do you look on the verge of collapse? What’s wrong with your eyes?” he asked, laughing in my face.

I felt a surge of panic. This wasn't going according to plan. I needed Christian to agree to the scheme, or I would lose the bet with Val. And at this point, I really did not want that to happen. Rational or not. Plus what better way to get back at him than by making him fall for me? It would be perfect. Especially since he was being so difficult about it.

"Okay, Christian, I'll level with you," I said, my voice taking on a note of desperation. "I accidentally made a bet with my friends that I could get you to date me. It’s silly. I know, but I need you to go along with it."

Christian's expression darkened. "Are you serious, Alex? You're trying to manipulate me for a stupid bet? This was all just for a bet?"

I looked down, feeling slightly ashamed. "I know it's stupid, but please, Christian. I need this. I need to prove to my friends that I can win this bet, it’ll be only for a little while, just until Sophie and Nathan are married.”

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