Page 81 of Sliding into Home

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A loud thumping sounded against the door. “Mom?” Max’s voice called through the wood. “Why’s the door locked?”

Jeff dropped his head against Kia’s shoulder and laughed.

“Just a minute,” Kia called back. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

She slapped an arm over her face. “I can’t believe the kid just vag-blocked me.”

He burst out laughing. “Jesus, no, that is not a term.”

Kia peered at him. “What cock-blocking is? But vag-blocking isn’t?”

He shuddered. “No, it definitely isn’t. You have to come up with a better name than that.”

“I’ll work on it, but either way. That kid’s timing.” She sighed. “I’ll go make breakfast while you grab a shower. I can grab mine after you leave for the field.”

“You guys are still coming to the game today, right?”

She placed her hands on either side of his face and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

He rolled off Kia and she stood up from the bed.

“You might want to run a facecloth over your chest, so you don’t smell like jizz before you go down there.” As hot as it was knowing she was coated in him, there was no denying the way it smelled.

Kia wrinkled her nose, then padded toward the ensuite.

Propping himself up with the pillows, he stared up at the ceiling. Over the past couple of seasons, when he’d watched his friends fall in love, maybe a small part of him had been jealous of what they had. But mostly he thought they’d been crazy. There was no way he’d wanted to settle down. He enjoyed playing the field, hooking up with random women. Locking himself in with one person hadn’t made sense when there were so many women out there.

But now? Man, now he got it.

What he had with Kia was so much better than anything he’d ever imagined a relationship could be. He never dreamed it could be like this. He understood why Pete and Ryan wanted to skip beers and go back to the room to FaceTime their girls. Why they were always getting goofy looks on their faces when they looked at their phones. Knowing Kia and Max were coming to the game today had him feeling energized in a way he hadn’t experienced since he was first called up. His entire body buzzed.

A moment later, Kia walked out of the bathroom. She paused at the bed, leaned down and kissed him. He wanted to pull her back on top of him, but he knew Max was waiting.

Kia walked to the door and paused. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

“Count on it.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

WearingmatchingSmithjerseys,Kia held Max’s hand as they stood looking out over the stadium. Her eyes scanned the field for Jeff. They’d gotten there early hoping to catch him before the game started while his team was still warming up.

“There’s Dad,” Max yelled, pointing out to the middle of the field.

Her heart fluttered in her chest as she watched him joking around with his teammates. Wow, the man did things for a baseball uniform. She knew women who went gaga for a guy in uniform, any uniform, and she’d never understood it until this moment.

“Come on.” Max pulled on her hand, dragging her toward the field.

“Hang on, let me double check where we’re sitting.” Jeff said their seats were on the first base line. As she scanned the row numbers, she realized their seats were in the front row a little closer to the outfield side of first, so they’d be able to see him.

She directed Max to their seats. Max dropped his clear backpack on the ground, then stood against the rail and waved his arms around like a windmill, trying to get Jeff’s attention.

“Dad,” Max yelled. When Jeff didn’t look, Max yelled again. Unfortunately, his little voice just couldn’t carry the way he needed it to.

Kia stood up beside him at the rail. “Jeff,” she yelled. Nothing. She looked at Max’s disappointed face. Time to pull out the big guns. She placed her fingers at her mouth and let out an ear-piercing whistle, quickly followed by, “Smitty,” as loud as she could holler.

Jeff’s head snapped in their direction and a smile spread across his face a moment before he jogged across the field toward them.

When Jeff stopped at the rail, Max launched himself at him. Jeff’s arms immediately opened to catch him on instinct. The laugh that rumbled from his chest as he caught their son made Kia’s throat catch. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever envisioned this for Max.

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