Page 66 of Brutal Kings

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“What happened?” Lee asks, looking between the two of us curiously.

“I’m waiting for my sunflower to explain to me why she smells like another man.” When his eyes land on my neck, he moves my hair back to expose the bruises left by Lee and Vic. I haven’t seen them yet, but judging by the way Ezra’s jaw tenses, I’d say it’s pretty bad. “And she needs to tell me where these marks came from.”

Lee swallows and backs up a step so Ezra can’t see his face. He and I were practically dry humping in the kitchen earlier, but whatever scent he would have left behind would be covered up by my moment with Vic in the treehouse.

Jay is also visibly uncomfortable as he takes a place next to Lee. All three of Ezra’s best friends have touched me without him knowing.

But Vic is the first guy I’ve had sex with since I was last with Ezra, and I know that will tip him over the edge.

I chew on my bottom lip and take a step back, wanting to tell the truth and get it over with, because we’re not exclusive, anyway. He kidnapped me and brought me here against my will. He’s the one who trapped me in this house with all of these attractive men, and I can’t help that I want them.

I’m allowed to sleep with whomever I want whenever I want. If Ezra’s friends want to give me all the pleasure he’s not giving me, then I’ll happily allow it. I don’t owe him any kind of explanation. It’s not my fault I’m here, and if I’m going to be back in this house, I’m going to do what I want.

“W-well—umm…” I splutter stupidly.

You’re really showing him, Maya,I think sarcastically.

I’m just about to say it, about to admit that I had sex with Vic, but then Ezra’s eyes focus on something over my shoulder.

I turn to see Vic coming out of the forest. When his eyes land on us, he freezes, the discomfort clear on his face, but it’s too late for him to turn around and walk away now.

“What the hell is going on?” Jay asks.

Ezra takes a step forward, his arms now down at his sides as he balls his hands into fists. “What’sgoing on,” he seethes, beginning to walk towards Vic, “is Victor fucked my girl.”

I want to tell him that I’m not his girl. I want to tell him I can have sex with anyone I want.

But the words won’t come out. I’m rooted in place, watching as the love of my life is about to murder my latest hookup right in front of me.

“Stop!” I shout.

Both men halt in their tracks, but they don’t look at me. I march over to them and place myself right in between them. Ezra looks furious while Vic makes no attempt to wipe the smug amusement off his face.

“Ezra. Look at me.” With effort, he drags his eyes away from Vic to me, dark eyes full of contempt. Not for me—for Vic, but underneath it, I can see the hurt there.

I take a deep breath.

“I had sex with Vic.”

“I knew it,” he snarls, preparing to lunge at Vic, but I put my hand on his chest to stop him. He looks down at me, eyes burning with emotion.

“Ichoseto have sex with him,” I explain. “It’s what I wanted. Just like I wanted Lee to touch me this morning.”

“What?” Ezra and Jay echo. Ezra cuts a glare in his friend’s direction. Lee’s eyes go wide as he holds his hands up in defense. “I can explain,” he starts.

“You don’t have to,” I tell him fiercely before looking back at Ezra. “Let me make one thing clear to you, Ezra: I can sleep with whomever I want. If I want to fuck Vic again, I will.”

Ezra flinches, but I continue. “If I want to fuck each of you every single day of the week, I will. Because it’smy choice.” I look each of the four men in the eye, my anger and determination clear on my face.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I level a glare at Ezra. He says nothing as he stares at me as if he’s never seen me before. I suppose this is a side of me he actually hasn’t seen. He’s used to me being his quiet, submissive girlfriend, and I’m tired of it.

I want to feel free. I want to feel alive and enjoy all the fun and pleasure this world has to offer, and I can have that with these men, but it won’t be any fun with Ezra looming over me and getting pissed off when I decide to sleep with someone other than him.

I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” I tell Ezra quietly. Vic takes the hint and goes to stand with Jay and Lee. I fight the urge to roll my eyes when I see them clap him on his back.

“For?” he asks quietly.

“For trying to hide it from you; I only wanted to spare your feelings. But I willnotapologize for having sex with someone else. You and I aren’t together anymore, and I don’t want you placing that kind of claim on me.”

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