Page 55 of Brutal Kings

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These men are going to be the death of me.

I quickly make some breakfast for myself and the guys: bacon, egg, and cheese croissant sandwiches with mixed berries on the side. I wrap theirs in foil and leave them on the counter so they can grab them when they’re ready, and I take mine with me into the dining room. I don’t want to eat in my room because I already spend so much of my time in there as it is.

My room.

I didn’t think I’d ever end up back here again to be able to call that small shoebox mine. I want to talk to Ezra again about giving me one of the larger guest rooms on the second floor, but something tells me he wants to keep me as isolated from the rest of the men in the house as possible. The thought makes me angry. Who the hell is he to make that kind of claim on me? He doesn’t own me.

But he does. And as much as I don’t want to admit or accept it, he always will.

“Good morning, mi amor.”

Vic saunters into the dining room, plate of food in one hand and two glasses of orange juice balanced precariously in the other. He’s got a big smile on his face, and a part of me wonders if he knows what happened between Lee and me.

“Good morning. What are you so happy about?”

He sits down next to me and uncovers his food. “I had a really good night last night.”

I nod and take a bite of my sandwich. “Oh.” Disappointment spreads through me quickly.

Vic seems to sense the direction of my thoughts because he quickly backtracks. “No, Maya, it’s not like that.”

“It’s fine. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

He reaches out and caresses my shoulder, moving a strand of hair out of the way. Warmth spreads through me, and the weight of his hand is calming. “I do. I just meant…”

I look at him, waiting for him to continue. He really doesn’t need to explain himself to me. We’re not together; he doesn’t owe me an explanation. If he wants to sleep with other girls, he has every right to do so.

“I think it’s best if Ezra explains it to you.”

Well, shit. I wasn’t expecting him to saythat.

“Why would he need to explain it to me?” I ask.

Vic takes a huge bite out of his breakfast sandwich and groans. I know he doesn’t intend for it to be, but the sound is erotic, and I’m still horny from my encounter with Lee.

“I love when you cook for me, princesa,” he says with his mouth full of food, ignoring my earlier question.

I laugh. “Maybe chewandswallow before you speak, yeah? You’re spitting food everywhere.”

Vic smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling. The two of us finish our meal in a comfortable silence. When we’re done, I start to take our dishes to the kitchen to wash them, but he grabs my wrist. I look at him, and his eyes are alight with mischief.

“I want to show you something.”



“Where are you taking me?”I ask him as he leads me down a thin gravel path leading from the mansion deeper into the woods. We’re a good way away from The Fortress now, and something inside of me is screaming to turn back around. “Should I be worried?”

Vic stops and turns to look at me. He has a look of mock hurt on his face, and he places a hand over his heart. “You wound me,princesa,” he purrs. He steps so close to me I can feel his warm breath fan across my lips.

These men love invading my personal space, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it, too.

“Don’t you trust me?”

I look into those deep brown eyes and find myself melting. For the second time this morning, I’m so turned on and ready to burst out of my skin.

He smirks when I swallow, the cocky bastard. “Of course, I do.”

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