Page 51 of Brutal Kings

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He chuckles, the sound rumbling against his chest, which I’m slightly pressed against. My toes curl at the thought of listening to him say dirty things in my ear while he’s fucking me over the kitchen island.

“I didn’t call you a child. I called you a little girl.”

“Same thing.”

He shakes his head, causing a stray strand of that silken black hair to fall into his face. “I know you’re not a child, but you are significantly younger than me. And smaller. Hence,‘little girl.’”

“Well, I still don’t like it,Jay, so don’t fucking call me that,” I grit out. “And how old are you, anyways?”

He smirks and leans in until his face is just inches away from mine. His breath is warm against my skin as I’m pushed even further into the chill of the refrigerator.

“Much too old for you, baby,” he murmurs.

I bite my lip. His eyes track the movement, and his brown eyes turn molten. I lean forward, pressing myself flush against him, the tips of our noses touching. “I like older men.Daddy.”

He makes a noise deep in his throat that sounds like a cross between a purr and a moan.

And, just like that, I’m completely soaked.

His eyes rake over my frame, traveling lower and lower, as if he can sense my arousal. “I’m sure you do.”

What the hell is happening? All this time, I could have sworn this man hated me. Now we’re practically two seconds away from kissing against the cold cuts.

My breathing deepens as I inhale his intoxicating scent. My head feels light, my heart is about to pump itself right out of my chest, and all I want to do is close the gap between his mouth and mine.

I’m about to do just that when someone clears their throat. I gasp and jump, knocking over the food I was just leaning against. My lips run against Jay’s in the process. He just smirks before he turns around to confront the cock blocker.

“What’s going on in here?” Lee asks in a tone that suggests he knows exactly what’s going on. He eyes the two of us with amusement and curiosity. I close the fridge and run my hands over my arms, cold now that I don’t have Jay’s warmth. I look down at the floor, embarrassment burning my cheeks and churning my stomach.

“I was about to make dinner,” I say quietly, unable to meet his gaze.

“Can I join?” he asks eagerly. I whip my head up, ready to lay into him, but he and Jay are bent over with laughter. I huff out a breath and return my attention to the contents of the fridge.

“Keep it up and you’re getting liver for dinner,” I call over my shoulder, reaching out to grab the clear, vacuum-sealed pouch off the middle shelf. The slab of meat is much bigger than the chicken livers I used to cook for Ezra, and there’s some kind of white cartilage or fat going down the middle of it. I can’t tell if it’s one big piece of meat, or if it’s a bunch of small pieces tightly packed into the plastic. I’ve also never seen liver packaged this way before—usually the ones Ezra bought came in a little round container.

Suddenly, the two men stop laughing. “Maya?” Lee says carefully.

When I turn to him, he looks like he’s trying his hardest not to vomit all over the floor. Jay just looks disgusted.

I chuckle. “What? The big, bad gangsters can’t handle some chicken livers? Ezra used to eat this stuff all the time, and it grossed me out when I had to cook it for him.”

“Those aren’t chicken livers,” Jay says.

I look back down at the bag. “I kind of figured. It’s way too big. So what animal is it from? A pig? No, a cow!” I laugh, playing with the package.

Lee swallows. “It’s not a liver of theanimalvariety…”

It takes me a moment to realize what he’s saying, and when I do, my stomach drops. Is this what I think it is?

I look down at the bag, then back up at the two men and swallow the bile that begins to rise in the back of my throat. “Tell me what I’m holding right now before I lose it.”

Jay takes the bag from me and frowns. “Dipshit was supposed to put this in the cooler downstairs, not in the fucking fridge with all of our food.”

Nausea roils in my stomach. Acid begins to creep up my esophagus. I can’t breathe.

“And why do you look so green?” Jay asks Lee. “It’s not like you’ve never seen a human liver before.”

Lee curls his upper lip. “I know, but the thought of Maya cooking it and feeding it to us makes me want to throw up.”

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