Page 14 of Brutal Kings

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Hell, I would have been better off calling an Uber to take me out of the city last night.

A knock sounds right behind my head, making me jump. I back away from the door and look at it, not making a sound.

“Open up, Maya,” Ezra demands from the other side. “I know you’re in there.”

My heart races. I cover my mouth with both hands in a feeble attempt to keep from screaming.

I don’t know what to do. There’s no other way for me to escape, nowhere to hide. With the three six-foot-something men on the other side of the door, it won’t take much for them to break the door down to get to me.

So, I go stand on the opposite side of the room and wait for them to enter, putting the flimsy desk chair in front of me.

I expect them to come busting in, but I’m surprised when I hear a key sliding into the lock and turning.

My stomach drops.

They’re getting closer.

I can’t fucking breathe.

The door opens, and in walks my demise.



“Sunflower,”Ezra murmurs.

His voice is surprisingly soft, but when he pulls his mask down and smirks at me, I shrivel up with fear. My entire body shakes, and I flatten myself against the farthest wall of the office, trying to put as much distance as I can between myself and the three men.

They step into the room and close the door behind them, the sound of the lock clicking ringing in my ears like a death knell. They say nothing as they spread out in front of me, looking like harbingers of death in their black ensembles and bandana masks. Their presence eats up nearly every inch of space in the small room.

Lee slides his mask off first, grinning fiendishly. Then Man Bun takes his off slowly, his dark brown eyes full of malice. I swallow, then turn my attention back to Ezra.

I don’t say anything,can’tsay anything, for fear I might scream.

I never knew how I would react to seeing him again after all this time, and now that I’m face to face with him, I can’t seem to form any words.

Sensing my discomfort, Ezra chuckles and takes a step forward. He takes his mask from around his neck and sets it on the file-strewn desk, his eyes never once leaving mine.

“I’ve missed you, baby.”

I take a breath.

Ezra’s eyes drop to my lips, down my neck to my breasts, and slide along the entire length of my body before finding my gaze again.

I loved when he looked at me like that, like I was a meal he wanted to consume whole without coming up for air.

Now, that look promises something else.

It promises pain.

It promises blood.

It promises death and destruction.

I swallow again as he takes a step towards me.

“I can’t believe you’re really here,” he says in disbelief, more to himself than me. I hold eye contact with him, not missing that slight hint of obsession in his eyes before he blinks it away. “And you’re wearing the dress I bought you.”

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