Page 101 of Brutal Kings

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She’s gone.

My head is spinning with all the things left unsaid between the two of us. I don’t want to think of the things Dom Carlo has planned for her. The sick fuck is messed up in the head when it comes to women. He’ll brutalize her in every way he can before dumping her off on the side of the road, left for dead.

That can’t happen.

I won’tletthat happen.

The remaining guys hobble back into the mansion. Thank fuck there are so many bathrooms in this place because we all need to wash away the blood caking our skin. Ezra immediately goes to Maya’s bedroom and shuts the door. Jay and Lee follow after him to make sure he doesn’t injure himself anymore. Deciding to put space between him and myself, I head upstairs to my own bedroom to clean up.

Groans and shouts of pain begin to fill the house. I limp my weak ass to my bathroom and slam the door shut.

“Fuck!” I bang my fist against the wall in rage. I can’t believe we lost her.

She should’ve known what she was getting herself into when she went to Dom. Of course, she didn’t know it was him, but when you’re involved in the underworld, you learn that you have to limit the amount of people you trust. Jay and Lee are like my brothers. Even though Ezra and I don’t always get along, I would trust that man with my life.

I turn the shower on and begin stripping down to examine my wounds. They’re worse than I thought.

My eye is swollen and black, and the jagged cut on the right side of my beautiful face will mostdefinitelyleave a scar.

I take off my shirt and toss it in the small trash can by the toilet. It’s soaked in blood. Not mine, thankfully. My side, however, is completely black and blue. My ribs are definitely broken. It hurts to breathe, hurts to think.

My pants are the next to go. There’s a long rip in the side where one of the Crimson assholes swiped at my thigh. When I take them all the way off, I’m relieved to see that the cut is only on the surface, but it’s still bleeding and hurts like hell. I clench my teeth as I pull my boxers down. When I’m completely naked, I step into the shower.

I hiss as the hot water stings my injuries. The spray pelts my body, scalding my flesh and leaving it stinging. I run my hands over my body, rinsing away the blood and sweat. Then I grab a bar of soap and wash every surface of my skin that I’m able to reach. I don’t stop until I’m red and raw.

Someone knocks on the door.

“Vic!” Lee shouts. “Med’s here.”

Med, the name of our “doctor”, is the one we call to come and put us back together when we’re broken. He’s legit, has a medical degree and everything, but of course he doesn’t practice in any legal building.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” I call back. When I’m done showering, I get dressed and go downstairs. Med is in the kitchen with scalpels, bags of blood, and other shit you’d find at a hospital. I don’t know how he gets his supplies—we’re not allowed to ask.

“Sit,” he says as soon as I walk in. The island is covered with a tarp, and Ezra is lying on his back on top of it, a gag in his mouth to muffle his screaming.

I sit down at the small round table and cradle my side.

“Your ribs are broken,” Med observes as he examines Ezra’s wounds.

I exhale slowly, wincing. “I’m fine.”

Med looks up at me, his gray eyes disbelieving behind his goggles. “I’m not leaving until I’ve examined everyone,” he says firmly, returning his attention back to Ezra.

Yeah, I know. I gotta give the guy his credit: he cares about his patients.

Well, us.

One of the guards hands me a beer. I thank him before downing the whole thing in three swallows.

“This is fucked,” someone says. Caleb, I think, is his name. He’s the newest addition to our crew, and the youngest. “How the hell did Dom Carlo find us?”

I exchange a look with Jay and Lee from across the room. We haven’t had a chance to fill everyone in.

We explain to them that Donovan betrayed us, and that he was being held in the basement but escaped sometime this afternoon. We still don’t know how the hell he managed to leave without us knowing, but that’s a problem for later.

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