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I grin. “Well, that’s good then.” I’m relieved we’re actually on the same page.

She giggles. “You make it sound like you want to get started right away?”

My dick twitches again at the thought. I can’t go another round tonight, I may die.

“Something like that,” I murmur, kissing her head softly. “I could see us with a bunch of kids running around.”

“Wait … a bunch, as in … how many?”

I laugh. “Only a small soccer team.”

She snorts. “I’ve always wanted kids, so I’d settle for two.”

I can’t believe we’re discussing children. This is surreal.

My heart soars.

I don’t know what this girl has done to me, but it’s tragically real.

And I love it. I fucking love her, and I’m going to go one further when I talk to Angelo and Rayne and make it official.

I want Mia to be my wife.



Dante almost makesme forget anything remotely dangerous happened today. He seems to have a knack for turning my thoughts elsewhere.

I’m sure he just doesn’t want me worrying about mafia business, but it’s still scary as hell that these Colombians blew up Angelo’s car. I shudder to think if any of them were in it at the time of the explosion.

To be with him in this life, is what I’ve signed up for.

I’m just glad to have had him in my arms all evening, and to share what we did has only brought us even closer.

It’s undeniable that we have both been through so much in our lives. We’ve both survived tragedy and adversity, but here we are, still standing.

There were times after my parents' deaths that going on was a struggle. I couldn’t even get out of bed. Then came the nightmares, and it seemed I would never be able to close my eyes without seeing them and everything that unfolded that night.

As I told Dante tonight, I learned to block things out, for I knew mentally I couldn’t cope. I eventually saw a shrink when Angelo suggested I talk to Josie Kingston. I knew that it would help. I’ve been down that road before.

I’m big on getting help if you need it. There’s no way anyone should have to struggle alone, especially with trauma.

The way Dante opened his heart to me tonight really made me fall for him even more. He laid it out bare, not knowing which way I would take it, and I respect him so much for that. The fact his father was gunned down so brutally, and he never got to know him, makes me feel sick for the entire family. It felt like such a turning point when we were able to share our loss with each other. I’ve never done that before.

It certainly doesn’t get any easier. The scars always remain, even though they may look healed.

You never know when grief is going to strike. It hits you out of nowhere.

As time passes, you learn to move forward somehow, but it never truly leaves you.

When I meet Rayne in the lobby and we go to work, it’s obvious that Angelo and the Medici brothers take security very seriously. There are two guards, who I realize are armed, flanking either side of the car, and the guy called Darko is also there speaking to the driver.

Rayne turns to face me when I approach. “Angelo thought it best if the guards ride behind us,” she says when I raise my eyebrows in question. “Darko has scanned the car for bombs and tracking devices.”

“Holy shit,” I say. If I didn’t know how serious it was before, I do now.

“It’s for the best,” Rayne reassures me. “Trust me. I had to beg and plead to even get this far. Angelo thinks I can open a gallery from the casino.”

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