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“Because he’s a douchebag, and I thought we were friends,” she fires back.

Why does that statement sound like it’s directed at me?

Rayne frowns, and it feels like this elevator ride may go on forever.

“Gonna take the night shift,” I say to Darko as he turns and nods.

Neither of us is officially on the night shift, but it’ll give me an excuse to check on Mia. If she’ll let me speak to her. I’m not used to women being angry at me; it’s a new experience.

The elevator opens, and I walk the girls to their suites, located next to ours. Mia says she’s turning in for the night, giving us a half-hearted wave as she scans the card to enter her room and disappears without a second glance.

“I’ll go make sure she’s okay,” Rayne says while I stand there, trying to comprehend what’s happening. “I think that thing with Tom kinda spooked her.”

I run a hand through my hair. “That’s why I went over there. I could see it was making her uncomfortable.”

“Thanks, Dante, that was very kind of you.” She smiles and takes off for Mia’s room before her door closes.

I walk to my room next door and throw my keys down, loosening my tie and kicking off my shoes.

This is not how I expected tonight to go.

It was a mistake to come here. Ishould have told Angelo no.

I strip and take a shower, standing under the hot water longer than I need to. I’m furious at myself for not realizing how it would seem from Mia’s point of view after the kitchen incident. I thought I was doing the right thing. Now she thinks I just used her, which I didn’t. If only she knew the truth.

I guess I really do have a lot to learn about women, after all.

My entire shower, all I think about is her, and that just annoys me all over again.

One thing I don’t regret is removing that asshole's hands from her body. If I could rip his eyes out of his sockets for just looking at her, I’d do that too.

When I dry off, I take a small bottle from the mini bar and down it quickly. I feel tired when I slide my sweats on and pull on a hoodie. The more incognito, the better. Not that I can do much stalking when there’s an entire wing between us and I can’t get inside Mia’s door.

My mind is on a one-track way to hell thinking about Mia. I reach for my cell and send her a message before attempting to sleep.

Mia, I’m sorry about tonight. I didn’t mean things to go down that way, but as I said, I will always protect you.I hope you had a good night with your friends.

I hit send before I can change my mind.

What I want to say is that I don’t regret a single thing, and if Tom, or any other schmuck, so much as glances your way, I’ll make sure floating at the bottom of the Charles is the least of their worries.

It says she read the message a few seconds later but doesn’t respond.

Annoyed, I decide to go down to the hotel’s gym and take it out on a few punching bags. Letting off steam is always a good thing when it comes to the famous Medici temper.

All of my brothers are known for it, Fynn not so much, but he’s mostly pretty happy-go-lucky. In fact, it’d be a day to be remembered when he takes anything seriously. It takes a lot to rile me up, but the fact that Mia completely ignored me and acted pissed off when I intervened just makes me more confused than ever.

I hit it out with the punching bag and then run on the treadmill until my legs feel like jelly.

I make my way back up to my room and head straight to Mia’s door. I don’t know why. It’s not like she’s going to let me in. I contemplate knocking, but I don’t. Instead, I lean my forehead on the door and let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding.

This is why I’m bad at relationships. Because I always try to do the right thing, I end up looking like an asshole.

I text her once more when I shove off the door and go back to my room.

I wish you’d let me explain. I’m finding it harder and harder to stay away from you.

I get no reply.
