Page 38 of Kieran

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Letting loose a deep howl, Kieran gripped the vampire’s hair in a stranglehold. He didn’t want to yank the bastard away for fear of those fangs tearing skin. “Let him go. Now.”

When the vampire didn’t release Brooklyn, Kieran pinched his nose. The vampire hissed as he extracted his fangs. Brooklyn collapsed to the floor. Kieran snarled and plunged his clawed hand into the guy’s chest, ripping out his heart.

The vampire crumpled. Kieran dropped the heart and knelt next to Brooklyn. “Open your eyes, love.”

They slowly fluttered open. Brooklyn let out a cry and threw his arms around Kieran’s neck as Kieran breathed out a sigh of relief. He’d made it in time. The vampire hadn’t nearly drained his mate. Kieran held on tightly, vowing to never let Brooklyn out of his sight again.

“What happened?” Kieran asked.

“He just walked into my apartment.”

“You didn’t lock your door after I left?” Kieran was dumbfounded that his mate would be so careless, especially after what happened with Blaine.

“I didn’t think about it,” Brooklyn said. “Then he attacked me. He was the same vampire who attacked me the first time, but I fought him this time, Kieran. I fought hard. I wasn’t going to give up.”

Kieran pulled his mate back into his arms, grateful that Brooklyn was such a fighter. “I know, baby. I’m so proud of you. So fucking proud of you.”

Though the vampire would have won in the end because he’d been drinking from Brooklyn. Kieran didn’t point that out or the fact that his mate had fought the first time when he’d sprayed the vampire by his car. He just held his mate, vowing to never let him go.

Brooklyn pulled back. “You’re bleeding.” Then he looked at the vampire. “Oh, gross.” He scrambled back. “He has a huge hole in his chest!”

“Go to your bedroom.” Kieran helped his mate to his feet. “I’m going to make a call and have the body removed. Don’t look.”

“Too late for that advice,” Brooklyn grumbled as he walked to his bedroom.

Kieran went to the kitchen and washed his hands before he called Cyrus. “Yo,” Cyrus said when he answered. “Got another black eye?”

“We need to bury a body.”

“When and where?” Cyrus asked.

He gave his friend the address. “Killed the vampire who attacked Brooklyn.” He explained what had happened.

“Guy had balls.” Cyrus gave a low whistle. “Glad Rayne ordered you to stick to your mate.”

So was Kieran. He’d actually planned on going out to find the vampire, which would have been disastrous considering the asshole had already been at Brooklyn’s place.

“On my way,” Cyrus said. “Tell me the building has a rear exit.”

“Sure does.” Kieran had no clue if it did, but they’d figure something out. All he cared about right now was that Brooklyn was safe. Everything else was secondary.

* * * *

Brooklyn turned over and smiled when he saw the tiny drool line on the side of Kieran’s mouth. His mate was sound asleep, even though the sunlight was bright in the room. He looked at the nightstand clock to see it was nearly seven in the morning.

Feeling devilish, Brooklyn leaned down and licked a long path over one of Kieran’s nipples.

Kieran groaned. Brooklyn couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What time is it?” Kieran asked, his eyes still closed.

“Seven.” Brooklyn grinned. “Mornin’,” he whispered.

Kieran pulled Brooklyn down and kissed him hard. A little moan escaped Brooklyn. Their tongues dueled as they devoured each other. Kieran flipped Brooklyn onto his back and settled between his legs.

“I love you,” Kieran whispered. “You’re mine.”

The look in Kieran’s green eyes said there was no room for arguments. “I don’t need you to tell me that.” Brooklyn ran his fingers through Kieran’s hair. “I know I’m yours.”
