Page 89 of Broken Strings

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He explained that Rogue housed three sections:Rapture, Risqué,andRavish.

It had begun as cleaning after hours, which fitted in with my daytime shifts at Anna’s. Bar work inRapture, the first tier of membership, was next. The tips were exorbitant, to say the least.

One night, we were talking in his office before my shift inRapturewhen a performer fromRisquécalled in with the stomach flu. It was the same week I’d had reached out to Layla and been turned away. And Jesse’s treatment was expensive.

Too expensive.

I’d pleaded with Vaughn, and after I’d threatened to find similar work elsewhere, he’d reluctantly allowed me to fill her slot.

* * *

“Are yousureyou want to go through with this, sweetheart?”

Vaughn’s concerned orbs hold mine as I shrug out of the satin dressing gown he’d left out for me when I’d changed into my ‘performance’ outfit.

It wasn’t an outfit so much as a nod towards underwear. A sheer black eyelet lace bra with slightly darker lace covering my nipples alongside a matching sheer lace thong and garter belt, finished with a pair of elegant black Louboutins.

Vaughn’s eyes drop down my body when I pass him the dressing gown, unmistakable desire flaring in his chocolate eyes.

“Eyes up here, soldier!”

His brow lifts lazily, and he slowly drags his gaze up along my body, making me squirm uncomfortably. When he finally meets my eyes, the desire is gone, and he smirks knowingly. “Ifmelooking makes you uncomfortable, sweetheart, then it’s time to call it a day.”

I narrow my eyes, refusing to fall for his sly tactics. Placing my fists on my hips, I stare him down. “I’mnota charity case, Vaughn Burton. I can provide formyson. Now scoot. You’re giving me the ick.”

Vaughn sighs softly, fixing my masquerade mask perfectly to the contours of my face before he steps back. Reluctance is clear in his posture, but he shrugs it off in that signature devil-may-care way he has about him. “For what it’s worth, Jesse has one hell of a mum in his corner.”

I inhale through my nose, keeping my emotions at bay, as I sidestep him to walk further inside the private rooms, finding the designated room forJolie. Upon pushing the door open, I stifle my gasp of surprise to find two masked men sitting side-by-side.

“Good evening, Jolie.”

I nod demurely. My heart is beating so harshly against my breastbone that I think I might just pass out before this evening is through.

“Turn around and place your palms on the back of the seat.”

Barely stopping my eyebrows from flying to my hairline, I do as they bid, placing my hands on the back of a high-back chair with wobbly legs.

The music is loud in my ears as I await further instruction. These private rooms are known for certainproclivities, though I don’t think Vaughn would place me anywhere dangerous. Even so, the skin on the back of my neck is raised.

There’s movement at my back, though I can’t see what. I shift my head slightly to the side to find both men with their dicks out, wanking one another off as they stare from behind their masks at the barely covered globes of my ass.

My face flushes as my mouth drops open. One of them catches my eye, winking before dipping his head to take his companion's cock into his mouth.

Shifting my head back so that I can’t see them anymore, I focus my eyes on the wall, block my ears to the intimate sounds of their coupling and count.

One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three…

I make it all the way to two hundred forty-seven when I feel a hand pat my black lace panties, making me jolt upright.

“You’ve been amazing, Jolie. I’ll make sure to tell Vaughn just how perfect that pussy was.”

I keep my eyes on the wall, making a non-committal grunt as the men leave the room. Once I know I’m alone, I fall to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, and I remain like that until Vaughn pushes the door open.

He drops the satin gown over my trembling shoulders. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you home.”

I raise teary eyes to his kind ones. “I don’t know…I don’t—”

He crouches down beside me, pinching my chin between his thumb and index finger. “They weren’t even interested in you, sweetheart. Only as being their beard, you get what I’m saying? I would never put you in danger.”

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