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I pull almost all the way out, only leaving the tip of my cock inside her before I sheathe myself in one thrust. “Mine,” I growl as my balls draw up. “You’re. Mine, and you’ll never again play the fucking martyr. Is that understood?”

When she moans my name again I pinch one of her nipples so hard she gasps, but I refuse to let go until she agrees. “Yes. Yours,” she cries. Her sounds of pleasure turn into huffs of exasperation when I don’t ease up. “Fucking hell, Gus. I understand,” she hisses, trying to stifle her moans.

I laugh darkly, loving that even when we’re like this, she’s still reluctant to completely give in. That’s who she is at the very core, and I wouldn’t want her any other way.

“You have to let go now,” I mutter. Acting like she doesn’t hear me, Cia makes no move to untangle herself. She doesn’t even answer. Looking at Liam, I say, “Take her and go find your seats.” My voice becomes gravelly when I can no longer ignore the tears falling from her beautiful gray eyes.

“Can’t we both go in there? She said ‘Heir’,” Cia tries to argue for the millionth time.

I don’t have it in me to repeat that when the singular word is used, we can’t both show up. Cia knows this, just as I know she’s desperate to stay at my side. Instead, I place a kiss on her forehead and whisper, “I love you, Cia. You are my life.”

She makes a strangled sound, opening and closing her mouth as though she doesn’t know what to say. Finding the words, she says, “Come back to me, Gus. If anything happens to you, I swear I’ll find my way into Hades and drag you out of there—you alive is the only thing I want for Christmas.”

“Go with Liam,” I say, nudging her into his waiting arms. “And don’t look back,” I caution, eliciting a weak smile from her.

“We’re not in the Underworld, so I can look back if I want to,” she quips, and I love knowing we’re both thinking of the same story.

In Greek myth, Orpheus bartered with Hades so he could bring his beloved Eurydice back to the living. Hades’ one condition was that neither of them could look back while they made the journey out of the Underworld. If they could refrain, Eurydice would be free to leave with her love. Of course, they failed. There are multiple interpretations and reasons why Orpheus looked back. The why doesn’t matter, though. One glance, and the deal with Hades was off, making it yet another addition to the list of tragic love stories.

Cia told me the story when we were kids, and I promised her I wouldn’t look back if I had to retrieve her soul from the Lord of the Underworld himself, and that’s why I’m not looking back now, either. Instead, I remind her I love her one last time before I walk over to Kai, following him out to the arena.

Cocking a brow, Kai looks me over. “No weapon?” he asks, and I shake my head.

What’s the point? I don’t need a weapon to kill Elena. Besides, I want to feel this fucking kill. I want to revel in it as I take her life. My sister in blood gets no mercy, not when she’s threatened the one person I love so much, it fucking hurts to be apart from her.

Before we exit the halls, Kai puts on his white mask of deception, and a smile tugs at my mouth. I don’t fucking understand the need for those masks half the time. No one is completely faceless in this day and age, it just takes the right resources and you can find anyone. It’s another archaic belief that I don’t agree with.

If you’re running the fucking world, at least own up to it. Let people see who they’re following and obeying.

It surprises me when Kai walks me all the way down to the Hatt owned arena, but I don’t question why. As soon as we reach the entrance, he turns to me and says, “I know this isn’t fair, Gus. But—”

Interrupting him, I volley, “I don’t fucking care about fairness right now.” Then I think better of my rash words, and add, “If I don’t make it for whatever reason, give her a month to grieve. After that, I expect you and Liam to pull her back. Make her your equal in every way possible, and fuck the ways of the Society, Kai.”

I wish I could see his face when he just stands there without saying anything.

Rather than allowing any silence, I press on. “You have an entirely fresh council. You need to use that to make the rules more modern. Don’t make people like Lupa hide who they are. If you embrace that and make it Cia’s responsibility, she won’t be able to just sit around. She’ll embrace that, and it will help her heal.”

He’s already said he wants to make changes, and I believe him. Since nothing has really happened yet, I have to remind myself that it’s not Kai’s fault other shit keeps getting in the way. At some point he has to put his foot down, though.

Kai bobs his head once before saying, “Just make sure you come back to her, Gus. Then we can make the plans together.”

Leaning against the wall, I take in my surroundings. This isn’t anything like the grand and ancient buildings we saw in England. It feels like a cheap replica, which, in all fairness, it is. It’s part of the Hatt empire in America, which makes it a lot younger than anything we saw in their original seat of power.

The flight here only took a few hours, then another hour blindfolded in the vehicle to get here. I know we’re still somewhere in America, I just don’t know the specifics. And I don’t really give a shit either.

I tune out the announcements and rules as they’re being broadcasted so loudly there can be no excuse for not hearing them. Maybe I should pay attention, but I’m beyond caring at this point. Fuck, I didn’t even wear any armor. Instead, I’m wearing one of my white ceremonial toga-like pieces of clothing, paired with a pair of sandals. That’s how little I feel threatened by Elena.

Turning my head, I look at the men in all black that are walking around behind me. They were there when Kai walked me down, and he didn’t bat an eye. So I’m assuming they’re some of the Hatt guards. If that’s the case, though, why do I keep feeling like something is wrong?

I keep studying them, trying to pinpoint whatever’s making me feel unnerved. However, I can’t see anything glaringly obvious that causes me to feel this way. They’re all tall and broad, of course—and their… wait a second. All the Hatt guards I’ve seen wear their crests, except for these. On their shoulders there’s an infinity sign that looks like it’s a… I squint and tilt my head, trying to get a better look.

Is that a fucking worm? Or maybe it’s a snake. No, wait… it has wings. Now that I can see the design clearer, it looks like a wyvern.

When one guy notices me staring, his lips part and he shows me his pearly whites in a grimace that might be a smile. It’s hard to tell.

Just as my name is being called, he holds one finger to his lips before whispering, “Drákon to ápeiro den koimátai pia.”

Drákon the infinite no longer sleeps.

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