Page 16 of Texting the Boss

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As soon as he feels me start to come, Cannon thrusts into me roughly three more times, and then he’s filling my ass with his seed as I writhe and moan beneath him, drowning in all the good feelings he’s given me. It’s shivery and seems to go on forever, only intensified when I hear the strangled noises he makes as he spills himself into me.

I collapse once it’s all over, still shaking, and Cannon effortlessly scoops me up into his arms, kissing me soundly and stroking my hair from my sweaty forehead. I feel disoriented but satisfied.

“Another first off the list,” he teases, carrying me to the shower so we can clean off before meeting his friend. “How many more can we get on this trip?”

“Knowing you?” I ask sleepily, “Probably a million.”

* * *

As the sunsets on the horizon, Cannon and I make our way to meet his friend—who he told me is named Greg—for dinner. It doesn’t take me long to figure out who his friend is, and my excitement for the meal grows exponentially.

“Your friend is Greg Sanderson fromWorldwide Wonders,isn’t he?!” I demand, and Cannon just smiles.

“I guess you’ll just have to see, won’t you?”

For dinner, we’re going to enjoy a delicious seafood feast on the patio restaurant of our resort. The setting is absolutely breathtaking, with the warm glow of the setting sun casting a golden hue over the ocean. Soft music plays in the background, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore adds to the serene atmosphere.

My suspicions are confirmed when I see the man, and I greet him enthusiastically. He seems just as happy to meet me, kissing me on the cheek, which makes Cannon frown, before we take our seats.

As we sit down at the table, I feel excitement and nerves warring inside of me, but I’m not sure why. A shiver runs down my spine, and it feels like destiny.

"So, tell me about your career aspirations," Greg says, fixing me with a curious gaze.

I look at Cannon, surprised that they’re not going to catch up more before I enter the conversation, but he just nods at me to continue. I gush about how much I love being a journalist and how I plan to build my life around it, not even trying to temper my enthusiasm.

Talk then slowly switches to Cannon and Greg chatting about what they've done in their years apart, but both men work to include me when they can.

Greg is an affable man, with an easy laugh and a quick wit. As we dig into our meals, he regales us with tales of his adventures traveling the world. I'm completely captivated by his stories, and I find myself laughing and talking with him like we've known each other for years. His experiences with his magazine are so much different from Cannon’s that it’s like night and day, but I can see why Greg chose the path he did. His life sounds wonderful.

We start with oysters on the half-shell, followed by a seafood platter with lobster, shrimp, and scallops. The main course is grilled swordfish with tropical mango salsa, and for dessert, we indulge in a decadent chocolate lava cake.

After I push the half-finished lava cake away, full to the brim, Greg sits his fork down and fixes me with the first serious look of the night. I can sense the weight of this moment, even though I don’t know why, and sit up straight, folding my hands in my lap.

“Candace, you’ve charmed me tonight. I can’t believe such a bubbly, talented young woman would want anything to do with Cannon Croft, notorious stick-in-the-mud, but I’m happy you two found each other. He’s told me about your struggles atElite,which is why I want to ask you if you’d ever consider moving out of long-form interview pieces and switching to travel writing?”

Suddenly, my heart is thundering in my chest, so hard that I press a hand over it. “Y-yes, I’d definitely consider that.”

Greg smiles and nods approvingly. "Well, I think you'd be a great fit for my magazine," he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a business card. "I'd like to offer you a job as a full-fledged writer. What do you say?"

I'm shocked and overwhelmed, and tears of joy start to well up in my eyes. I can't believe this is happening.

"Yes, yes, of course," I stammer, taking the business card with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity."

Greg’s approving smile turns sneaky. “You’re very welcome, my dear. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take a video.”

I nod, still thrown by this amazing change and how it will free Cannon and me to be together, but then Greg’s words hit me, and I turn to look at where he is walking away, puzzled. “Did he say a video?”

“Yeah. I asked him to record this so we could have it forever.”

I watch Greg stop and start to fiddle with his phone once he’s some distance from us, holding it up and towards us. I snap my head back around to Cannon, utterly confused. “Record wha–oh. Oh my God….”

Cannon slides something across the table to me—a red velvet box, open, with a shimmering diamond solitaire ring sitting in the middle of it. The tears I had just brushed away return in full force, and I can barely see his handsome, beloved face through them.

“Will you marry me, Candace? Let’s make a family and travel the world.”

“Yes,”I breathe, watching him stand and walk around the table to sink to one knee and fit the ring onto my shaking hand. Everyone around us cheers, especially Greg, who is still holding the phone recording us.

As soon as the ring is on my finger, Cannon is kissing me breathless, cradling my face between his hands like I’m the most precious thing in the world to him. His kiss tastes like red wine and joy. When he pulls me into his arms, all I can see is him and our futures, stretching out over the horizon endlessly.

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