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I used to spend hours imagining what it would feel like to have her arms wrapped around me, whispering into my ear how much she loved and cherished me. But at some point, it was time to come back to reality. So, instead of manning up and at least telling her how I felt, I kept quiet, trying to make my feelings as obvious as possible. I’d bring her flowers on her birthday, or just because. I made sure I always brought her favorite snacks when I came over for movie night and even went as far as to carry them around in my backpack on the rare occasion she was having a bad day. My mom always loved when my dad did small things like that, just letting her know he cared, so I assumed that was the best route to go especially because Campbell wasn’t nearly as perceptive to her wants and needs. In retrospect, she could’ve taken that as me being a good friend, when in fact, it only made me even more obsessed with my best friend’s little sister.

“What about you?” I ask, filling the silence.

“What about me, what?” she says, signaling the bartender for another shot.

“Any broken hearts in your wake?”

“Just my own,” she mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear, before flashing me a smile. “Nope. Single and completely free.”

I couldn’t help but notice the way her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. There was something in the way she held herself that hinted at a deeper pain festering beneath the surface. I want to push her, to know who broke her heart so terribly that it’s written clearly across her face.

“He’s an idiot,” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.


“Whoever put that sad look in your eyes.”

She snorted, signaling the waiter for another shot. “You don’t even know me, Finn.”

“Maybe not, but that doesn’t make him any less of an idiot.” I lower my voice, angling my head so only she can hear me. “If you were mine, wild horses couldn’t pull me away from you.”

“But I belong to no one, Finn,” she points out before reaching for her bag.

Shit.I need to slow down or she’s going to walk out of this bar, and the spell will be broken. I finally have my chance with the girl of my dreams, and I’ll be damned if I scare her away.

“Can I have a dance before you go?” I ask, pushing off the bar stool and reaching my hand toward her.

I don’t want to seem desperate, but tonight could be my only chance for her to see me in a different light. To show her I’m not that shy, scrawny boy that pined after her in high school.

“One dance?” she questions, her eyebrows pulling down in thought.

I hold my breath, barely moving a muscle, as I wait for her to decide about our dance. I should let her leave and head back to the hotel, but I know in my heart that this moment will change everything.

For a moment, she looks like she’s about to decline my offer, but then she nods slowly. “Sure, why not?” she says, her voice soft as she places her hand in mine.

An electric current shoots through me as I lead her toward the dance floor, spinning her around once before pulling her tightly to my chest. We sway to the sounds of the music playing in the background. I don’t even know if we are moving to the beat, but right now, it doesn’t matter because, for the first time in years, I feel at peace.

I hold her against me as I’ve imagined doing a million times over the years, burying my nose into the top of her head and inhaling her delicious scent: strawberries and sugar. My arms slide down her back, my hand sliding into the back pocket of her jeans as I pull her closer. A shiver runs through her body, letting me know that she’s just as affected by me as I am by her.

“I thought we were dancing.” She tries to pull away from me, but I tighten my grasp, pulling her body tightly against mine.

“We are dancing,” I respond as I continue swaying from side to side. “Dancing really isn’t my thing, but I can move to the beat.”

“At least there’s something you aren’t good at.”

I pause, pulling back slightly so I can look directly into her eyes. “I’m not perfect, Marissa. No one is, and if they tell you otherwise, we both know they’re full of shit.”

“Fair enough,” she squeaks, her eyes looking anywhere but at me.

“No need to be nervous, Marissa. I may not be perfect, but there’s something here between the two of us.”

“D-does that l-line work on a-all the l-ladies?” she stammers, pulling her lip between her teeth for what seems like the millionth time.

I drop my mouth to her ear. “It’s only a line if I don’t mean it.”

A shiver runs through her, and I have a feeling it has nothing to do with the temperature in the bar. I draw back, holding her gaze with mine as we continue swaying to the music. She places both of her hands on my chest, pushing me back slightly, but I only pull her closer. “Every man says that until it comes time to follow through.”

I’d do anything for Marissa, give her anything she desired. All she’d have to do was ask. Sort of. The one thing I refuse to do is let her go.
