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“Hey, sis, you all right?” I eye the two of them skeptically as Colt releases Sutton, putting some space between them.

“Perfect.” She plasters a fake smile on her face.

My head swivels back and forth between them, trying to make sense of what’s going on but quickly decide to give up for now. Whatever happened between my sister and Colt before I got here isn’t what’s important. What’s important is finding out what’s going on with her. We may not be as close as we were when we were children, but above all, she’s my sister.

“How about we go home and talk?” I ask Sutton, pinning Colt in place with a stare and letting him know he isn’t invited.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Sutton whispers as she strides toward me, one of her shoulders brushing against his slightly. She gasps slightly, her eyes widening as if she’s been electrocuted before she schools her features. “It was nice seeing you,” Sutton calls over her shoulder to Colt as I turn on my heels and follow her toward the SUV.

“I’ll call a tow truck and have someone at the garage take a look at her car,” Colt shouts toward us, his eyes still locked on Sutton as she climbs in, pulling the door shut behind her.

“Thanks, Sheriff.” I wink at him before ducking back into the SUV and joining my sister.

“Buckle up, Sutton,” I command as I put the vehicle in reverse, my eyes locked on Sutton the entire time.

She nods her head, only moving enough to put on her seat belt, but she never once looks away from him. Her eyes remain locked with his as we back up slightly, pulling around him and getting back onto the road. As we pass, I notice he hasn’t moved a muscle. Standing there like a statue, his eyes locked on Sutton as we drive past, moving further into town.

“How interesting,” I mumble to myself, making a right instead of a left to head toward our parents’ house.

“What’s so funny?” Sutton questions, her head snapping back to mine.

“Nothing.” I smile, shaking my head, wondering how long it’s going to take for these two to realize they’re perfect for each other.



“Can I get a beer? Whatever you have on tap,” someone asks, breaking me from my daydream.

“Coming right up. We have a nitro stout I’ve been dying to pour for someone.” Nolan smirks in my direction, shaking his head at me for what seems like the millionth time today, before turning to fill the beer. “Here you go. Do you want to start a tab or cash out now?”

The customer says something to him before sliding his card across the bar and disappearing into the crowd.

“Tab it is,” I say, grabbing the card and tucking it into a cup near the register.

We rarely hold credit cards for tabs, but I guess today we do. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing that’s happened today. Ever since I went out to lunch with Marissa the other day, I haven’t been able to focus on anything else.

On the days I stay above the bar, I stay in bed until it’s time to open, but that wasn’t possible this morning. I tried for hours to get back to sleep, but it was next to impossible with the raging hard-on that came every time I closed my eyes. The image of Marissa laid out, naked and on display in bed, waiting for me to have my way with her, haunted me. Making me yearn for another night with her. I was hoping that spending time with her would ease my need, but it only made it worse. Now the only thing I can think about is what it feels like to sink between her milky thighs, the sound of her breathlessly moaning my name. I’m addicted. But I want more than sex from Marissa. I want everything. I just need to convince her to give me a chance.

“When are you going to get your head out of the clouds?” Nolan questions, knocking his shoulder into mine, motioning his head toward a woman standing at the end of the bar, waving us over. “That beauty has been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes.”

“Marissa is here?” I stutter and spin around quickly. My eyes scan the bar, wanting to catch a glimpse of her before she disappears a second time.

“Oh, you’ve got it bad. Too bad for you, she won’t give you the time of day.” Nolan chuckles, grabbing my shoulder and pointing me in the direction of the woman standing at the end of the bar. “Her.”

As soon as my eyes find the woman in question, her cheeks pink slightly before her head snaps in the other direction. I don’t remember her name off the top of my head, but she’s been in a lot recently. If I remember correctly, she came into town a few weeks ago for a bachelorette party with some friends. They were a good group of women, not too out of control, but Nolan and I had our hands full trying to get them into cabs and on their way home that night.

Ever since then, she seems to pop in once or twice a week during lunch. She always sits at the end of the bar, places the same order, and then leaves. She doesn’t speak much, but that’s not too unusual, but today is the first time she’s gone out of her way to get my attention.

“Ah.” A light bulb goes off in my head as I stride toward the register, typing in an order for a club sandwich, a glass of water, and a caramel apple cider from Tennessee Cider Company. “I’ll go back and let Shelly know the order is up. Can you let her know her sandwich will be right out?”

I don’t wait for him to respond before grabbing a glass from beneath the bar and filling it with water. “Take this to her while I grab her beer.”

“She doesn’t want me to bring her anything.”


“Finn, you can’t be that dense, can you?”
