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Her scent. Traces of her warm human scent lingered in the hall, almost hidden under the cold air of the ice-generating Racopians.

Picking up the pace again, I set off through the corridors and past alcoves, seeking her warmth and scent at every turn and bend in the path. The bond we shared took me through the citadel, past old halls and ancient rooms until I reached a cold, darkened passage. Figures stood at the end. Harper’s scent was strongest here, as was the chill.

Almost immediately, three enemy soldiers charged at me. I didn’t care about being outnumbered. I slammed my fist into the first one within my reach. His fangs scraped my knuckles, but my hit won out. The room echoed with the splintering of his jawbone.

The second and third tried to attack me at once. In a series of quick lethal maneuvers, I destroyed their attempts and any further hope of trying again with me. I stepped over their lifeless forms to reach the remaining figure. "Isath, your guards are down. Your soldiers lost. Pretend to be a real king and prepare to stand trial."

Isath turned in my direction while remaining in place. The Racopian I once called friend, a soldier whom I once fought alongside and had charge of my armies, was now nothing but a betrayer.

"You’re too late as usual, Varus. I got rid of your human."

"If that’s true, you’ll scream to every ancient ancestor to pluck you from this cosmic thread." I curled my fist and let the heat of my inner fire cause my hand to glow red.

"See for yourself." He stepped aside from the entrance to reveal a large block of ice near the back wall. My blood turned cold at the sight of the form frozen within.

"Should’ve taken my word for it. I could’ve spared you the trauma of seeing her before I kill you." He put his foot down to begin his charge at me.

I didn’t wait for him to come my way. My wings spread out and I flew forward to threw a punch in Isath’s face. My fist left both bloody and scorch marks on his cheek.

Isath caught me in a kick to the ribs. I felt some of them fracture as I splayed my hand to keep from falling to the ground. He stalked towards me while I was doubled over.

"You fail at everything. You should’ve stayed a Quarek prisoner."

"You should’ve killed me while I slept." I pushed past the pain in both my ribs and my chest.

I lunged out and seized him by the throat. Isath bared his fangs and tried to tear into my hand. My ribs screamed in agony, but all the rage I had within powered me to lift him off his feet. "Handing me over to captors was your first mistake."

His wings flapped uselessly as his feet dangled in the air. I tightened my grip and let him hear the last words he’d ever receive from me or anyone else. "Harming my mate was your last."

I summoned all my heat reserves to full strength. The passage glowed with light from the fire. It traveled from me to him, crawling over him until it covered every inch of his body and engulfed his wings.

I dropped him when it was over and ran to the back wall. The ice block had melted when I used fire on Isath. Harper lay on the wet ground, her uniform drenched. Bits of ice clung to her hair and eyelashes.

Pain like I never experienced before wrenched through my body as I lifted her still form. "Harper? Can you hear me?"

She didn’t answer. Her dark pink lips were now a deathly shade of blue.

"I’ve been through the woods and to the moon with you." I held her against my chest. "I won’t let you leave."

With the remainder of my strength, I drew on my heat reserves again. Scrambled, fear-filled thoughts battered my brain. What if I couldn’t heal her? What if I couldn’t control the fire and went too far?

I concentrated on warming her cold limbs. I took from myself to give to her.

I heard her heart. Soft at first. Then it got stronger. Her chest rose and fell. Harper opened her eyes. and I thanked every cosmic force in the universe for bringing her back to me.

I held her against me while her whole body shook. "Varus." I heard her teeth clatter. "Did we win?"

"Yes, we won. Isath is gone."

"And the wounded?"

"Safe. Maagda took care of them."

She let out a sigh. "Don’t you dare chew her out. I disobeyed you, she didn’t."

I saw the look of defiance on her face. "I hate how stubborn you are." I cradled her head, bringing her face up to mine. "I love how stubborn you are." I kissed her cold lips, warming them with mine.

Her hand squeezed my forearm. "Does this mean you’re going to discipline me for insubordination?"

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