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While the soldiers raced to the entrance of the western hall to fortify it, I helped Maagda render first aid to the injured. Lerun supplied our nearest defense, taking down an enemy combatant who managed to get past the barrier. More of our soldiers rushed to refortify, but they had to keep moving with Lerun down another corridor to meet the rest of the platoon.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but while the fighting carried on outside, Maagda and I treated broken limbs and stitched up wounds. Racopians, like all Javorians, had fast-healing capabilities, but the battlefield didn’t give even them enough time to recover. I hoped Varus was holding up. While I couldn’t sense where he was exactly around the citadel, I could tell he was somewhere present.

I heard the barrier crash to the front entrance. I got to my feet. "The enemy breached the barrier. Take the patients to the other room."

I worked with the other soldiers to get the very wounded to safety. Maagda waited until three of them went past. "The other chamber doesn’t have a seal on the inside of the door. We can’t hold out here until help comes."

"Yes, we can."

"But that would require one of us to remain outside."

I reached for my laser rifle. "Go take care of the wounded."

She gaped at me. "No, don’t go. The king would have my head if I let you go out there."

"You’re not letting me. You’re telling me not to do it and I'm disobeying your king." I patted her on the wing. "Be sure to let him know how defiant I was."

She looked nervous. "Make sure you make it back alive. I'd rather you tell him yourself."

"Take care of yourself and the others." I closed the door after she walked inside the inner chamber. More clashing came from outside. The fighting was getting closer. No matter what, I would do everything I could to ensure the wounded would stay safe until help arrived.

I adjusted my rifle and put the setting on the weapon. The other soldiers watched me from the window of the door. With one last glance at the inner chamber, I exited the room and pressed the button to seal the door from the outside.

The sounds of battle got closer. I rounded the corner, holding the weapon. Judging by the sounds of the skirmish, I already knew I was well outnumbered.

A movement occurred on my left. I turned that way and pulled the trigger. The laser stunned the enemy in the chest. He fell back with a grunt. Then a hand came down painfully on my shoulder. The enemy soldier grabbed my other shoulder before I could turn and deflect.

More of Isath’s troops poured down the corridor and spread to surround me. When they parted for a Racopian with a torn wing, I knew it was their leader who strode through.

"Well, this turned out to be easier than I thought. Varus’s forces offered her up to me." He snatched the weapon from my hand. His pale gaze was full of contempt as he gazed at me.

One of his troops stepped forward. "Sir, what do you want us to do with the others? They’re sealed in from the inside."

"They sacrificed her to buy themselves more time. Let them stay in there and enjoy their freedom until we come back for them." Isath grabbed me by the collar and dragged me after him. "We have something their pitiful leader wants."

"Stop pulling me. I can walk." I stumbled along as he hauled me by the jacket collar.

His lackeys followed him as he dragged me from hall to hall, cold corridor through chilly alcove. I thought he was going to leave me in one of the abandoned rooms of the citadel, but he kept going through more levels, down stone stairs and twisted passageways until he came to an empty space at the end of the passage. He gave me a rough shove forward. I threw out my hands and caught myself from slamming into a wall.

"I heard from a scout that there may have been a human spotted in the cliffs settlement, along with a large Racopian with brown hair who oddly resembled Varus." Isath laughed. "You and he really thought you could get by unnoticed in my territory?"

"I’m not sure it was ever yours, judging by how the civilians were cheering outside when you were getting your butt handed to you."

Isath’s fangs appeared below his top lip. "I’m confused. Why do you champion Varus?" He leaned forward, scanning my face. His breath was cold as frost. "You’re bonded with him."

"Yeah. And?"

I took in the full force of hatred in Isath’s stare. "This has always been Varus’s problem. He has too much sympathy for the weak. Weak friends, weak allies, and now a weak woman from Earth. He couldn’t even find a female of his own kind. He thinks his bond is with you." He gave me a disgusted look. "The former king of Racopia is pathetic."

"If he’s so pathetic, why’d you have to wait until he was asleep to sell him to the Quareks?"

"King Isath." We were interrupted by the soldier to his left.

"What is it?" he snapped.

"There’s a foreign ship in Racopian airspace. The radar on our com links read origins from Planet Xaxos."

My hope expanded. "The Wanderstar Fleet."

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