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"Are you sure? I already volunteered to work the graveyard shift, and more soldiers might come in later."

"I got it. You’ve been in here all day making that serum and now you’re up half the night tending to the injured. Do humans not enjoy rest?"

It was a little hard to rest when I had stuff on my mind, but I wasn’t about to say it out loud, and especially when the Racopians just came from fighting to get their planet out of their enemy’s control. "You win, Maagda, I'm going to bed. Let me know if it gets busy and you need help later."

"Shoo, or I'll tell Aklan no more stew for you."

I did not need to be told anymore. I picked up my weapon and left the infirmary for the night.

Guards were posted all over the camp. They were taking no chances at a surprise visit from Isath’s soldiers. I went to my shared living space and saw the lights were off when I stepped in the door.

A single light was on in the bedroom. Before I spoke his name, I got a sense of his presence. "Varus?" My heart got a tremor of anticipation.

"I’m here."

His voice settled my nerves. Even though I heard from soldiers that he was fine and made it to camp, hearing him firsthand put me in a calmer mood. I set my weapon against the table and went into the bedroom. "A young soldier named Gaje said you were hands-on today in the field."

He smiled at my terrible joke. "I had to get rid of a Quarek pod. It was going to take captives." He looked freshly scrubbed as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Let’s see that hand."

"It’s fine." He held it out for me to inspect.

I turned it over. No broken bones, not a scratch. His palm was warm but was nowhere near the temp it had to have been when he melted the pod down to scrap metal. "Does this mean it went well out there?"

"I saw Isath. He’s not among the prisoners. We march onto the citadel in the morning."

I paused, more than surprised by the timing. "Morning’s not a long time from now."

"We need to overrun his forces before he has a chance to get the advantage on ours."

I checked his hand once again. "You should sleep, then. I won’t disturb you."

He caught my hand as I started to pull away. "What happened to your graveyard shift at the infirmary?"

"Maagda threatened to keep all the ingreberg stew from me if I didn’t leave."

Varus laughed. "You and your love of food."

"Love ofseasonedfood."

"I seasoned the quail I made for you last time."

"You did. It was very good. Thank you."

I watched him still holding my hand in a gentle grasp. I marveled at how he could wield such a powerful and destructive force of nature within him and then have his touch be calming and gentle. Or sensual. I thought about his hands when he caressed me in the shower and when we had our other stolen moments. Were they going to be lost?

"I kept thinking of you tonight after I left camp." He drew circles in the middle of my palm with his thumb.

"About that. I didn’t have to stomp off."

"Don’t apologize, Harper. I’m sorry because I made you feel like I was pushing you away."

"I don’t like showing my soft, vulnerable side if I'm going to be dismissed.” I searched his eyes. “I’ve dealt with rejection all my life, whether it’s being a minority on my planet, being a woman in the military, or even with my own family for not being what they envisioned."

"You’re what I envisioned."

"How’d I know you were going to say that?" I warmed under his gaze.

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