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"Don’t worry, it’s only temporary. Soon you’ll be able to run your hands through my shiny red locks again in no time."

"That’s not why I—never mind." I stole a glance at Maagda in hopes she did not hear this little exchange of ours outside. "What are you doing with your new temporary ‘do?"

"I’m paying a visit to another old friend. He used to be my general before Isath scattered my army."

"You’re going to get him to help."

"If I can find him. Lerun says he runs a shop in the cliffs settlement. I don’t want to be recognized by enemy soldiers."

I became hopeful. "Merch is good. I need to pick up medical supplies."

Varus gave me a look. "You need to go right back in that safe infirmary."

"Let me take this coat off and go with you."

"You remember what I said about keeping you out of danger."

"I remember." I held my ground. "People might mistake me for a juvenile here because I don’t have wings but let me remind you, I'm grown."

He raised his eyebrow. I then noticed he dyed those brown, too.

I removed my coat. "If you can change your hair to go to the big city, I can change out of this coat to come with you. We need supplies. I need to find the last ingredient for the serum."

Even my last sentence didn’t appear to persuade him. "Your safety is my priority."

"Saving your life is mine." I draped my coat over my arm. "You can’t do one without the other, right?"

He started to say something, then switched. "Your clever, twisty logic, I....You will never have a seat in my council."

I shrugged. "I prefer to work on small teams or independently, anyway."

He gave me a long, labored stare. "Go ask Maagda to let you borrow something plain to wear. It needs to have a hood."

"How cloak and dagger. Be right back." I turned on my heel to go get the items. "Don’t leave without me."

Chapter Twelve

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