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"None necessary." Lerun spoke to me from the front. "There’s a set of natural stairs leading down once you step over the ledge. Varus and I will walk with you."

The natural stairs turned out to be gently sloping rock. Although climbable, I did need to put effort into making sure I kept my footing. The rock was curved and worn smooth either by rain and wind or years of footsteps.

"It’s not hard once you get used to it," Varus stated, stepping like he was coming downstairs to eat dinner in the kitchen.

"Right," Lerun agreed. "We used to run up and down these ledges all the time as children."

"Easy for you two to say." I gingerly placed my foot on the next flat rock. It was tricky because I had to lean over to see the following ledge. Otherwise, it looked like I would step off into thin air. "You both have wings as buffers."

In response, Varus put his hand on my waist. "I could carry you down. It’d be faster."

His touch produced an intimate reaction in me, reminding me of how he held me in the shower. I had to be careful not to stiffen up and change my stance or down I'd go. "I can manage, thank you. I should get used to the terrain on your planet while I'm here."

Lerun turned his head over one shoulder. "It will be difficult since you can’t fly. Our planet is mostly high points, mountains, steep canyons, and cliffs."

" Don’t forget volcanos," Varus added.

I sighed. "In basic training, a drill sergeant told me that if I stuck around, then I’d be choosing to play life on the difficult setting. I guess this will be no different."

After winding our way down past narrow ledges, we made it to the bottom of the gorge. There, a series of spiraling rock formations revealed openings to intricate cave networks. Voices carried from inside. Outside, there were tent and wood building structures spread out before us. From above, their tan and rust colors blended in with the gorge.

Racopians moved about on the ground or hovered a few feet in the air. Their voices merged with the brisk wind. I smelled savory food cooking.

"You’re just in time for dinner," Lerun announced. "Harper, have you ever had ingreberg stew?"

I had no idea what ingreberg was. My stomach growled something fierce. "I will in a moment. Whatever it is, it smells good."

The Racopians stopped what they were doing as soon as they saw us. One by one, they flew or ran closer once they recognized Varus. Conversation turned to excited buzz. I could barely make out their words as they talked over each other in Javorian. I did hear Varus’s name spoken repeatedly, along with the wordking.

They formed a circle. While the clamor continued, the more of them joined until the camp all acknowledged their king.

Another strong emotion passed over Varus’s face. I saw the profoundness of the moment of their king returning home and attempted to step aside. He caught me by the hand and lowered his head to whisper in my ear.

"Stay with me."

"I don’t need to be here."

He curled his fingers with mine. The gesture was intimate, almost tender. "I meant what I said. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here."

I was uncomfortable being put on the spot. Ever since I was a child, too much attention on me made me feel like a tiny goldfish in a giant glass bowl.

I stood beside him despite my natural urge to leave. Varus’s subjects looked to me in curiosity and at our hands intertwined.

Once they settled and the camp became fairly quiet again, he spoke to them. "I’m home. When I was held captive, I thought I would never see Racopia again. I’m glad to be proven wrong."

"The true king has returned." Someone shouted. "Long live the king."

"Destroy Isath." Another cried out.

A male Racopian near the cookfire raised a fierce gleaming knife. "Cut off the bastard’s balls and freeze him and them inside a glacier."

"No," a female banged a bowl on the side with a ladle. "Toss him in the volcanic pit of the southernmost gorge."

Whew. They were quick to get to the point. As more creative ideas for Isath’s downfall reverberated throughout the camp, Varus held up his hand for silence.

"You have my word, there will be more time to discuss what to do about Isath. For now, allow us to eat with you and rest." He still held my hand in his. "This human woman is the reason why I stand before you. Show Sergeant Harper Jordan the same respect and honor as you do me."

I bit my lip under that tall order, but as I looked among the Racopians, I heard no protests.

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