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"What is it?" Varus caught me by the arms.

"I got soap in my eyes from washing my hair."

I heard him turn on the water. "Get under the stream." He positioned me.

My back touched his hard, wet torso in the process. I felt water over my face and through my hair. That’s when I sensed his fingers pushing the soapy strands off my forehead and out of my face.

"I can take it from here." With my eyes still closed, I reached up to wash my hair.

His hand stopped mine. "Hush and let me help you."

My eyes flew open, and I turned my head to give him a look of warning that I fully intended to make universal. "I know you did not just tell me to hush."

"I did, and I'll say it again to annoy you if you don’t stop resisting help."

The sight of us standing together nude, skin to skin in the shower, was something I was not prepared for. From the backs of my legs to the top of my shoulders, I felt the unique texture of his skin on mine. Between the warm water and the soap sliding between us, my nerve endings were on sensory overload. "Fine, I'll take the help."

The last time someone helped me bathe, I may have been in my early single digits. I never showered with anyone in my adult life. Even in the military, if I was the only female in a squad and there were no separate stalls, I waited until the guys were done and I locked the doors and put a towel over the frosted windows.

Varus massaged my scalp. "Does your family know you’re a Wanderstar Fleet soldier, or did you hide that from them, too?"

His voice was right next to my ear, rough and sensual at the same time, like velvet on sandpaper. I liked it a little too much. "Oh, they’ve know, and they don’t approve. ‘Space is no place for a lady’, my mother warned me before I deployed."

He let the water run through my hair. He was surprisingly good at this. Then again, he did have long hair.

"Come to think of it," I went on, "after coming here, I’m starting to think she might be right."

He gathered my hair to one side. "Racopia is better than this mudball."

"I believe it."

"I’ll make sure you find it hospitable."

"Don’t go out of your way for me."

I shifted and suddenly felt something warm and hard poke me on the backside. My heart pounded as his flesh touched mine. I didn’t have to look to know exactly what part of his flesh it was.

But I had to look, anyway.

I was greeted with the sight of his ten-inch cock, standing erect between a large set of orbs, their color a few shades darker than his skin because of the blood flow.

Apparently, the winged Javorians didn’t have pubic hair. Unless their custom was to shave it off. Nothing, and I mean nothing, concealed his thick length. All that length. It was because...of me.

I looked away quickly. The saints were doing a poor job of preserving me.

"Your hair still has soap in it." His massage had a soothing effect on my scalp. Maybe an inhibition-loosening effect, too. "Look up or it’s going to run in your eyes."

I looked up just enough to give him a sideways glance. "I shouldn’t let you do this. I am so shameless."

"Good." He took hold of my hair and gave it a soft tug, so that I had no choice but to keep staring in his face. "Because you have nothing to be ashamed of."

The gesture was bold, provocative, and just plain wrong. It turned me on.

Still holding me by the hair, Varus dipped his head and caught my lips in a kiss. I didn’t pull away. I welcomed the taste of him again. As we kissed, his hand found and cupped my left breast. Water made our bodies slick against each other. It trickled down my stomach and between my legs. I felt such desire. I couldn’t tell if the tiny warm gush down there was from the water or me.

I kept my eyes closed, waiting for another kiss when the nice warm water poured an icy chill down my neck. "And there goes all the hot water." I darted away from the cold stream, hugging my arms against my body.

Varus watched the water trickle to a stop. "So much for your navy shower." He was still hard, despite the dousing of cold water.

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