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"Still big enough to bite someone's head off. Okay, let’s keep walking. I don’t want to stand out here and let venom lizard goo drip on me."

Varus studied the claw marks on the nearby trees. "I doubt this is the only nest of them "

I stopped myself from cringing as I thought of dozens or potentially hundreds of lizards crawling around, growing long claws to latch onto trees and flesh alike. " I hope they can’t tell we dined on their relative."

We passed by more claw marks on the trees. The more I saw them, the more my hair stood on end. The scurrying in the bushes didn’t help.

"How did the Quareks keep them away from camp?"

"The lizards don’t like fire. The Quareks built them around the camp each night."

"No wonder you’re not worried about them. You’re practically lizard-proof."

"You’re not, so let’s keep going."

We kept pushing through until we found ourselves on the southern tip of the Quarek campsite, opposite where my squad and I entered yesterday. The camp was too quiet for comfort. No one, not Quarek or Wanderstar fleet soldier, met us.

"The hatchlings were here." Varus pointed to the slimy tree limbs and grass withering in large spaces where the lizards left their secretions behind.

I had a gnawing sense of unease. I didn’t want to think about the fate of those who didn’t get out the camp in time. "Is it safe to walk through?"

"For now. I don’t sense heat from anything living."

"There might still be survivors. They could be hiding or taking shelter."

Varus gave no response as I walked ahead of him. "I’ll guard you while we look."

I moved through the camp in search of life. I found the smoldering remains of the fire Varus started, along with the body of a Quarek renegade laying facedown and a laser rifle someone from my squad dropped. I picked up the rifle. The laser cartridge was half full.

Varus turned the Quarek renegade over. "The lizards got what your squad left behind."

Armed with my new weapon, I traced my steps through the camp. I passed fallen Quareks. I had to keep going. There was still the chance of finding Wanderstar Fleet survivors.

I moved along, sweeping the area while Varus guarded me. I felt heat emitting from him, a deterrent in case any reptiles caught our scent and decided to return to the camp. "What about the Quarek pod that brought you here? I didn’t see it near the camp."

"Damaged during entry to this dirtball. They were waiting for a carrier to take them off this planet. Speaking of which, we should go to your ship." Varus concealed his discomfort at being in the camp again. "I don’t know where your squad is, but if they were here, I think they’d want you to survive."

I knew deep down he was right. "They could be waiting in the Mission Flyer." I exited the camp from the north.

We crossed through the marshes. Cool drops of rain fell against my brow. More came in quick succession as thunder rumbled. I didn’t want to go another second in the elements, though the rain seemed to help the air quality. The yellow mist disappeared. "The ship’s this way."

We covered another quarter mile. Relief washed over me like a tide when I saw the wing of the Mission Flyer peeking above the trees. "There it is. Not much farther."

I spoke as though he were the one dragging behind me. My lungs felt like I was running laps in basic training again. At least I wasn’t coughing anymore. There was something to be noted about the Javorians’ ability to adapt to different planetary atmospheres. He probably saved my life with that kiss.

We wouldn’t have to desperately depend on each other now. The rest of my squad was less than a quarter mile away. Already I could picture them making a lame joke about me having lost my way in the woods.

We came to the Mission Flyer. Fifteen feet of muddy field separated us from safety and hot showers.

"I don’t hear anything."

Varus’s words put a chill in my veins. "You said the same thing at the Quarek camp."

"I don’t sense anyone here, either."

The upper half of the ship’s roof hatch was open. That was how the emergency pods deployed. Could the crew have already left the planet? Anxiety crept along my neck. We didn’t come this far just to be stranded out here alone. "I’m going inside."

Varus stopped me by pointing at the closest side of the Flyer. A green and yellow speckled lizard hatchling rested on the exterior. I was grateful the hatchling was on the opposite side of where I needed to go. Nevertheless, I gave it a wide berth as I hurried up the open ramp.

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