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"I’m fine. Worry about yourself."

He gave me the macho act while his chest bled. "I’ll heal."

Agents ran up to us. "Klinn Ustrar, you’re under arrest."

My throat tightened as they slapped a pair of restraints on his wrists. "No, wait. He's not among the criminals." My my words went unheard as they led Klinn away, his wrists bound behind his back.

I knew the procedure. I knew they had to do this, yet I still dealt with my helpless feeling.

Klinn looked back at me, his eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. "It's alright, Faye. You did it. Thank you for helping me." His words provided a small glimmer of solace as the agents led him to a ground medic vehicle.

"Detective." Agent Nash stormed over, his expression stern and authoritative. The urgency in his voice was clear as he directed his attention toward me, snapping me out of my momentary trance. "Where the hell have you been this past week?"

"I’m sorry, sir. I can explain."

"You need to." His frustration disappeared and his eyes widened with concern. "We found your broken com link and badge. We thought the worst."

"I just got back to Kajal today. I’m unharmed, but I need to tell you about Klinn Ustrar."

"I know about the con artist. Good job on catching him again."

"No, he’s innocent this time. He was framed."

My supervisor regarded me for a moment. "We’ll discuss this at HQ."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you, sir. I'll cooperate fully."

I saw worry for me in his eyes. "Get in one of the cars."

"What about Riven and Klinn?" I watched the medics load an unconscious Riven onto a stretcher. Klinn sat on the edge of the medical transport vehicle while they tended to his chest.

My supervisor regarded Klinn with a wary eye. "They’re both going to the medical facility. When Riven wakes up, he’ll get booked for this and his other crimes. Ustrar’s getting put in the holding cell. Until he’s interrogated, I'm taking no chances."

Chapter Fourteen


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