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Zorbluk let out a grumble. "Females are expensive."

"So is your grocery bill. Are you sure all the money’s gone, even the reserve cash?"

"If it were rocket fuel, we’d be running on fumes."

The low hum of the ship's engines supplied a subtle backdrop to our discussion. This wasn’t good. Since I'd been away from home and decorating a jail cell on Earth, I was sure all my bank assets were seized or frozen months ago. I had currency saved up under the sofa at my home on Xaxos, but that was tucked several hundred thousand of miles away. We needed money soon in order to keep the ship going and our bellies full so we could keep looking for Riven.

Gravix scratched his chin. "We could always fall back on our old skills to get quick cash."

My expression turned serious as I glanced in the general direction of the corridor leading to Faye’s room. "No, Gravix. We're leaving that life behind, remember? I can't betray Faye's trust, and I won’t go back to my old ways. I need to show her, and myself, I'm capable of change. We’ll start delivering to our clients and get payments."

Zorbluk huffed, his tone short and derisive. “Going the honest route will take up too much time, and time is something we don't have if Riven learns you’re looking for him."

My friend was right, but I was determined. "I know the risks, but if we want a chance at bringing down Riven and his gang, we need to play by the rules. I won't let them turn us back into the criminals we're trying to stop."

Gravix’s voice tinged with doubt. "You're putting a lot on the line. What if this all blows up in our faces?"

I had no answers for him. "Well, my friends, life has a funny way of throwing curveballs at us."

They gave me glares for my shit baseball analogy. Geez, where were the true fans?

I tried again. "We got each other's backs. We'll find a way."

Zorbluk let out a deep sigh. "You've always been one for taking risks, Klinn. I just hope you're right about this."

The three of us shared a brief silence, the weight of my decision hanging in the air.



Iwoke up with a renewedsense of mind after Klinn gave me the agency to walk about the ship as I pleased.

Well, maybe I couldn’t take a shower in his room at all hours of the day and night, but it felt good to be on an even playing field of trust with him.

I think he trusted me. Did I fully trust him? That was up for debate.

But I didn’t dwell on it this morning. I got dressed and headed into the kitchen in hopes of whipping up a decent meal before we resumed our search for Riven. I opened the small fridge and found a greasy cardboard box that smelled like whatever Zorbluk and Gravix ate last night. There was another box containing a couple pieces of what looked to be rib meat.

I passed on what was in the fridge and opened the door to the pantry. Packets of freeze-dried space food were stacked in a box. One of the packets had a picture of a steaming bowl of oatmeal. It looked like oatmeal, at least. Maybe I could cook it as such. I went to the cupboard, dumped the contents of the packet into it and added water.

Klinn’s buddies walked in while I had the astro oats nuking in the microwave. I waved to them. "Morning, guys."

They returned my greeting with silence. Some humans didn’t like to talk before they had their morning coffee. Apparently, aliens could be the same way.

"Do you drink coffee?" I asked. "I could put some on if you have it."

Zorbluk, a hulking alien with hands the size of my head, grunted something inaudible as he squared his shoulders and crossed his arms.

Gravix got in front of him, mimicking the pose. "Alright, Detective, tell us straight. Are you really on Klinn’s side or just biding your time to turn him in?"

Zorbluk added to the chorus of questions. "And what’s the deal with you two going couples shopping?"

"Couples what?" I could feel my face twisting into a mixed expression of annoyance and amusement. "Let’s get one thing straight. I’m only here to learn if Klinn is innocent. Once I find out the truth, I'll go from there."

Gravix scratched his head. "That’s not a clear answer. You can still try to turn him in."

The microwave beeped at me. I opened the door and grabbed my food. "If he’s telling me the truth, then he has nothing to worry about."

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