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Chapter Seven


Imade my way to thefront of the ship, trying my best not to think about Faye stepping into my shower. I mean, it was just a shower, right?

As I walked, I made the attempt to distract myself, thinking about anything other than her lathering up with all the soap she brought on board. I pondered the complexities of warp drive, why Xaxos had nine moons while other planets had to survive with only one. Even the latest episode of my favorite cop drama filled my head.

But no matter how hard I tried, Faye’s presence stayed stuck in my brain like a hit in the outfield fence. There had to be other things I could think about besides what she looked like without clothes.

My stomach growled.Yes, thank you.Something else to focus my attention.

I ventured into the ship's kitchen. The scent of savory meat and complex spice wafted through the air. It smelled like my modest crew brought back the high tier cuisine, or at least the best of what Malecor had available to eat.

I found Zorbluk and Gravix huddled around the table, devouring a pile of sloppy, unidentifiable takeout containers. Sauce dribbled down their chins as they chomped away, their faces contorted in both delight and impatience to shove all the food down.

Gravix jabbed a dirty fork at a covered box by the sink. "We got some barbecue borga ribs from that place you like."

"Thanks. I could eat the entire borga at this rate." I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them chowing down from their takeout containers. "What about you? Did you get that stinky grub from inside the restaurant or out back in the dumpster?"

Zorbluk chuckled, wiping sauce from his chin with the back of his hand. "You don’t know what you're missing."

Gravix agreed. "Indeed, and it seems like you've been missing out on something else, too, Klinn." He sniffed the air and waved his hand in front of his nose.

I left the borga ribs temporarily untouched, my concern on these smart asses and their little hint that I smelled. "What are you talking about? I shower daily. More than that lately."

Zorbluk and Gravix exchanged knowing glances, barely able to hold their laughter. Gravix leaned in, a sly grin stretching across his face. "We've been noticing something quite... aromatic lately. We can't help but wonder if it's related to a certain detective on board."

I froze. They noticed my pheromones, too? I thought only Ventivores could sense it, and I was the only one of those around. Were they getting so strong where other species and non-recipients could smell them?

Fuck. I was worse than a coyote.

Now I was in trouble. What if Faye was onto my scent?

"Don’t know what you’re talking about." I played it as cool as the hot skillet used to fry the potatoes the borga ribs came with.

The guys saw through me.

"I heard about how some people get crazy when they’re ready to rut." Zorbluk chimed in, unable to resist the opportunity for a jab. "The Javorians are always going on about their mate’s blood calling to them or some bullshit. Others talk about some internal bond thing."

Gravix played an air violin for effect.

Zorbluk let out a loud burp before he finished. "Glad my kind doesn’t have to deal with those things."

I waited for the resulting stench of his belch to drift on by me. "Somehow, Zorbluk, I don’t think you’d have anything to worry about either way."

The big Lorgan resumed his roast of me. "Well, you know what they say, Klinn. Love is in the air, and apparently, so are your pheromones."

My stomach formerly growled from hunger. Now it curled into itself with embarrassment. "It's just a coincidence. I've been on the road for a while. I mean, sure, she's nice to look at and all, but it's not like I'm infatuated or anything."

Gravix grinned again, and more sauce dribbled down his chin. "So, those multiple shower sessions of yours recently have nothing to do with her?"

"Don’t you have anything better to do than observe my routine?”

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