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A feminine laugh made me glance over my shoulder. Faye stood across from me in the bar, surrounded by alien males. She dangled a dart in one hand while cradling her drink with the other.

A couple of the males eyed her like she was a celestia confection fresh from the oven.

Then it hit me, a punch of jealousy got me in the gut harder than Quixar’s rum. I’d been radiating pheromones left and right, no wonder my bonding instinct just kicked into overdrive. My Ventivore radar was screaming,she’s the one.

Faye’s laugh sent every biosignal in my body on high pleasure alert. All I could do was gawk at her. Out of all the feminine beings in the universe, this human woman with her little sass and sexy tight smartypants... was meant for me?



My pants pinched mein the stomach every time I drew in a breath to laugh. I couldn’t wait to go back to the ship and take them off.

My ditzy, fun-loving act kept the patrons entertained while I gathered information. I hoped Klinn was having better luck than me. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up.

One of the alien males pointed to my shot of rum. "You keep nursing that shot. You can do better than that."

"You’re right, I did. Five shots ago, hehe." I raised my right hand as though I was calling for applause.

They cackled along with me. I angled the dart I was holding and tossed it at the picture of the creature on the wall that looked like a long-haired pig. I ended up clipping its ear. Not close, but it got another round of applause.

I heard strains of a tune coming from a staticky speaker overhead. Dancing wasn’t one of my talents. "What music is this?" I asked, while my hips lurched awkwardly to the left and right.

The traders were too soaked in their rum to notice my terrible dance moves. At least, I hoped so.

"Dunno," one of them said. "We’re more into opera. We’re going to a show in three days." He busted out laughing before a friend of his swatted him on the shoulder.

"Opera?" I was genuinely surprised. "You’re kidding."

"No, we go there a lot." He started slurring his words. "It’s not just for the rich to cut their teeth on."

"By teeth, he means those stuck up Javorians," the friend who play-swatted him supplied.

Most Javorians looked like humans, although some had pointed ears and rainbow eye colors. It’d be hard to tell between them and a human unless they either spoke Javorian or sprouted fangs during a moon phase. So far, I haven’t seen anyone on Malecor Station vamp it up.

I declined a second chance at hitting the long-haired pig when one of them retrieved my dart. "Where can I go to hear opera in these parts?"

A trader flung his dart, hitting the bullseye. "Nowhere around here." He motioned for the others to follow him out the door.

"Did you run those boys off, Estelle?"

Klinn’s silky smooth tenor glided through the noisy bar better than any pop song on the airwaves. I saw him walking towards me. "It must have been my bad dance moves."

He slid up behind me and started swaying to the music. "You did look like you were a little out of practice." With a mischievous grin, he placed his hand on my hip. "You sounded like you were having fun."

"I can put on an act when I want to."

He stood close enough to me, so our bodies connected, my back against his chest. He touched my neck, and I reflexively tilted my head to look at him. "In that case." He lowered his face to mine. His lips brushed my skin, centimeters from my mouth. "How believable do you want to make this look?"

My heart drummed. The room and the people in it blurred as I put my focus on the nearness of his face.

The air in Malecor must hit different. Yes, that’s what it was, or what I was going with anyway. I peered into his dark eyes before I closed mine and my lips sought his.

Our connection produced a pleasant wave that went through me. His lips were similar to the slight velvet texture as the rest of his skin.

I felt him inhale as he was pressed against me. He let his lips trail to the side of my mouth as he gradually ended the kiss. "I guess I got my answer."

I straightened when his touch made that tingly sensation pop up along my spine again, pirouetting along.

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