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I gave him my best deadpan look. “You know I was saving that for later.”

“And you would have loved it.” He popped the rest into his mouth, moaning as he enjoyed it. Yep, he was in a funny mood.

“Well, joke’s on you. I already had one, and it was so good.”

He laughed out loud, his hand landing on my thigh, the touch innocent enough, but my body responded instantly, buzzing all over.

Suddenly, the air in the room thickened.

His nearness sent an electrifying jolt through me. My fingers tightened around the warm mug, and I forced my eyes to remain on the screen in front of me, but my attention was stolen by his masculine scent, his touch, and his gaze heavy on me. His presence was far too intoxicating for me to sustain any level of concentration. Taking a deep breath and keeping my composure, I kept sipping from my coffee.

“You’re like me. I do my best work at night.” He almost purred the words that left me breathless. Maybe it was my filthy mind, but I swore he wasn’t referring to his work at the institute.

“Yes,” I finally answered in a whispered voice. “The quiet helps. Easier to focus.”

We fell into a silence that felt far too intimate, and for the first time since my blowout with Louise, I found a new wave of thoughts flooding my mind—thoughts that spiraled on the dangerously attractive priest beside me.

His hand remained on my thigh, and it was impossible to think about anything but that. Did he want me to make a move? Or was he waiting for me to give him approval to go further?

He leaned back in his chair, loosening the robe from around his throat. “How’s your day been?” His deep voice was as smooth as honey, luring me toward him.

“I’ve had better,” I admitted, shifting in my seat.

He pulled his hand away, and I found myself missing the comfort of his touch.

His piercing grey eyes skimmed over my face, pausing briefly on my lips. The intensity of his gaze was like a shot of electricity hitting me.

“Rumors can be a thorn in anyone’s side, but I’ve found if you ignore them long enough, they tend to die a natural death.”

My heart skipped a beat, panic welling up inside me.

“Wait, you heard about them?” My voice came out as a hushed whisper, too shocked to react properly that he heard about me sneaking into Father Logan’s room late at night.

He tilted his head slightly, a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes. “It’s rather hard not to when it seems to be the talk of the institute.”

The words came tumbling out, a blur of denials and explanations.

“They’re lies, you know,” I said, fighting the lump forming in my throat. “I’d never do something like that.”

“Are you sure?” His question hung in the air, and for a moment, I was taken aback. “Given the circumstances, it wouldn’t be entirely implausible, would it?”

A chill ran down my spine.

“There were no such circumstances,” I insisted, my voice barely above a whisper. “And I would never...” My mind reeled, thinking back to the blow job incident with me and Father Bridge. The memories brought back a wave of embarrassment, and my cheeks flamed.

“It’s okay, Kat,” Father Bridge’s voice was soothing. “It’s natural for people to over-interpret situations when they’re jealous. You simply did what was required for the job. You should be proud.”

The wordjobhit me hard. Did he think that I worked as a... No, surely, he couldn’t think that.

“No, I mean, it’s not like that. I didn’t... I mean, I did... with you... accidentally,” I stammered, floundering for words. “But the stories about Father Logan, they’re lies!”

“Father Logan?” His brows shot up in surprise. “I think we might be discussing different rumors here.”

“What?” My heart thundered in my chest. “What are you talking about?”

Father Bridge gave me a searching look. “Kat, the gossip I was referring to was about you and Father Mason, not Father Logan.”

My breath hitched. Two rumors? My world spun as I tried to process what he was saying.

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