Page 23 of The Escort

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“Shit!” She glances back, making sure Eddie isn’t following her.

I maneuver the asshole into the other bedroom.

“He can’t see him,” she whispers.

“He won’t.” I shove Bert on the floor.

He clutches his throat, gasping for air, and once more attempts to call out for Eddie. I crouch down, shaking my head and wagging my finger at him. “You don’t want to do that.”

The guy opens his mouth. I thrust my elbow up, striking his jaw. His head falls back to the floor. “I warned you.” I look over my shoulder. “Get your brother out of here. I’ll keep him quiet.”

“Thank you,” she says, eyes filled with tears and gratitude. “Thank you so much.”

I wink at her as she closes the door.

Standing, I place my boot across the asshole’s neck. “Now, you behave, or I’m going to silence you forever, understand?” I add slight pressure to his throat.

The man blinks up at me while trying to nod beneath my boot.

I’ll stand here for as long as it takes for the family outside these walls to get to safety.

My family never had a chance.

My father abused my mom for years, and no one came to rescue her. No one cared.

This is why I do it. To give them a chance.

One we never got.

Chapter 9

I pull up to the office of Daxon Construction. It’s a small, long metal building in front of a three-story complex. It looks prestige and clean. Impressive.

I worked from home the past week, searching for anything on Lix, but I came up short. So it’s time to go back to the source. Regardless if that source threatens and captivates every portion of my being.

The kiss. It keeps replaying in my head, reminiscing about how Lix made me feel from the mere touch of our lips. It’s frustrating.

I get out and head to the door. Lifting my hand to knock, I spot the open sign. It’s a business. I don’t need to announce myself.

I walk in.

A man sitting at a desk is on the phone. He holds a finger up. I nod, glancing around the place: filing cabinets, chairs, and a long table with papers scattered on it. I move to a picture of three guys on the wall. Lix, the guy at the desk, and another man. Must be the Daxon brothers. They look a few years younger. They’re smiling, but it doesn’t reach their eyes. It’s as if they’re all missing that thing that lets happiness travel through them.

“Can I help you?” the deep voice says from behind me.

I turn around, and observant dark-gray eyes meet me.

“Is Lix here?”

The man, dressed in a shirt and tie, lounges back in the chair, placing his hands behind his head. His dark gaze measures me. “Luna Moon?”

I arch a brow. “Brett Daxon?”

He sits up and folds his hands together on the desk. He’s a man used to being in control. “What can I do for you?”

I take a step toward him. “You can tell me if Lix is around.”

His head tilts. “What do you want with my brother?”

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