Page 72 of Sinister Vows

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“Who are you?” I snapped angrily.

She smirked, standing up from the bed and walking over to the end table where she picked up a silver metal case and pulled a thin cigarette out of it, tapping the end on it casually. “Do you have a light?” She purred, “I seem to have lost mine.”

“Who the fuck are you?” I demanded again. Molly gripped my arm tight as I took a step forward without even realizing it.

The woman rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist at me dismissively, “No one you know.”

“Then get the fuck out of my bedroom.” Anger bloomed through my body replacing any bit of weakness or fatigue that had been plaguing me beforehand. She was beautiful. Downright breathtaking with a tall lean body that looked like she spent every day in the gym to keep it perfect. Her platinum blonde hair was long flowing around her shoulders in perfect waves.

And even though I tried not to notice, her breasts were the size of my head and perfectly sculpted by a surgeon to defy physics and look weightless.

She was a walking, talking Barbie and I hated every single thing about her.

The woman finally let the cool mask on her face slip as she rolled her eyes and picked up a silk robe off the end of the bed, tsking at me. “Now, now love,” she purred again in her thick exotic accent, “Don’t lower yourself to lies by claiming anything on board here. We both know it’s Nicolas’ bed and I was warming for him.” She slid her arms into the robe but didn’t bother to tie it. “Though I’m surprised to see he’d invite you along as well, you’re not his type at all.”

“Get out!” I hissed, shaking Molly off. “Get out of this bedroom right this instant or so help me God, I’ll drag you out by your fake ass hair!” I screamed.

The stress of the day and my insecurities turned me into a violent person I didn’t recognize. Or maybe it was my jealousy from finding out that Nicolas had this woman waiting for him in our bed when he expected me to be gone for hours more.

Everything had been so fucking perfect between us.

Or at least I had thought it was.

“No.” The woman stepped forward menacingly. “I’ve been with Nicolas for years. You aren’t going to get rid of me that easily. I don’t care if he’s dating you or not, I’m not going anywhere. You won’t be the first little socialite that’s tried to tie him down unsuccessfully while he’s still kept me on his arm.”

“You need to leave,” Molly said firmly, “Mr. Capasso will be angry to find you upsetting his wife.” She opened the cabin door that had closed behind us and moved to the side, indicating for the woman to leave.

“Wife?” she sneered, not taking Molly up on her offer, “Not possible.” She looked down her nose at me. “You’re the last person Nicolas would marry. The very fucking last, I assure you.”

I snapped.

That’s the only word I could find to describe it. One second, I was standing by the door with my hands on my hips, demanding the infuriating woman standing naked in my bedroom leave, and the next, I was flying towards her with my fists clenched.

I connected both of my fists to her face in quick succession before I realized I had moved at all, and then I simply didn’t care that I was being physically violent with someone for the first time in my life.

The bitch had it coming.

The woman screamed, scrambling to cover her face as blood coated my knuckles as I buried them in her perfect hair and yanked her off her feet and onto her knees.

She might have had a full foot of height on me, but on her knees, I towered over her.

“You listen to me you cunt, and you listen well.” I snapped her head backward as Molly screamed for help from the doorway. I knew Saul and Dio would be breaking this up any second, but I wasn’t done. The whore’s hair pulled away from her skull as the extensions ripped out, but I grabbed onto her real hair tighter and tilted her head back further to make sure she was looking right at me. “If you ever so much as look at my husband ever again, I’ll tear your face off your fucking skull and feed it to the dogs.” I shook her, wrapping one hand around her throat for emphasis. Her eyes rounded in fear. “Do you understand me?” I screamed.

“Arianna!” Strong hands gripped my wrists as a body pressed flat against my back and pulled me away.

Nico. His familiar scent which used to warm me, revolted me now.

“Don’t touch me,” I sneered, letting go of the cunt’s hair and throat and shoving her backward onto her ass, and fighting my way out of my husband’s hold. I turned on him and glared at him with wild eyes. “Get your whore out of my room.”

His chest rose and fell with barely restrained anger, his green eyes were pure liquid fire as they flicked to the woman on the ground finally gripping her robe closed. “Get up.” He grabbed her under her elbow and hefted her to her feet.

“Nicolas,” the woman gasped and threw herself against his chest, “she attacked me! Completely unprovoked, she’s unhinged.”

“I’ll show you unhinged!” I yelled, lunging forward for the cunt again as she screamed and tried to hide behind Nico, who effectively shoved her out of his arms and into Dio’s, catching me and pulling me toward the bathroom.

“Get her off this fucking boat!” He bellowed to his men, as I fought him off. He was far stronger than me though and managed to manhandle me into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind us and putting his back against it. Locking me inside to keep his whore safe.

“Stay away from me,” I pointed my finger at him with menace, “You son of a bitch.”
