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Killian grinned from atop Topaz. While I’d said the thought out loud, the wind beating around us carried my words far away.

It was a good thing we had a mental connection now that we had graduated.

Oh come on. You’re having fun, don’t lie.

A small smile crested my lips in response.

Because he was right. Before my coma, we’d been cooped up in the dorms focusing only on training for months.

I was ready to go off campus—even if that meant an excursion to the Malice Realm.


Sort of.

I questioned how badly I really wanted to go off campus as Solstice roared and beat her wings against the building storm. I leaned against her flank to keep the air drag as low as possible.

Because we needed to go into the tempest.

An image popped into my mind of the egg I’d seen in my vision. Dark Elves surrounded it, but the image shifted, showing them as monsters of shadow.

“I know, girl,” I said in response. “It’s been long enough that those Dark Elves we saw before have likely changed. I’ll stay alert for danger.” I made sure to push my words to her both vocally and in my mind. A rumbling vibrated underneath me as she responded in kind.

She couldn’t communicate in words, but she enjoyed acknowledging me with a voice of her own.

I appreciated her companionship and reassurance because we both knew what corruption did.

It didn’t kill.

It infected.

Then it took root deep within one’s soul and formed a monster from within. I’d experienced Queen Nera’s power which had only been amplified because of the corruption.

That experience had taught me to hold tightly onto my emotions.

All of them made me powerful.





Every emotion had a place where it belonged and they all worked together to make us all whole.

That’s where Queen Nera had failed. She’d let the corruption feed on her emotions, and that’s what made me stronger than her.

That knowledge allowed me to purify corruption, but I’d done so before with the power of my goddess blood while on Avalon soil.

The whole incident had been analyzed from multiple angles and the determination was that I could do it again.

But I would have to use Killian’s power, not just my own.

I glanced at him as the inky black clouds threatened to close us off from one another, but our bond allowed me to feel him even when I couldn’t see him.

His dragon’s pristine blue scales reminded me of aquamarines and diamonds glittering underneath an open sea. Topaz had shown aptitude for both water and air magic. That didn’t surprise me. With Killian being a Nephilim, and myself being a daughter of Avalon, those traits made sense.

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