Page 67 of Unsteady

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“Who was better—Mason or Lincoln?”

I throw a pillow at her in response.

Suddenly, it occurs to me that maybe I shouldn’t be talking about Lincoln with her.

“You’re not, like, into Lincoln, right? I mean, he’s not courting you, is he?” I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. With everything that happened yesterday, I haven’t had a chance to ask if Leo and his pack ever approached Mackenzie with a courting offer. Is that why he looked so horrified?

The smile drops off her face, replaced by a look of contemplation. “Not exactly ...” She must see the panic on my face because she rushes on. “I mean, it’s not really a secret that I have a crush on your brother. But, like, I haven’t really felt a pull toward his pack.”

While my possessive side is relieved she isn’t crushing on Lincoln, I’m disappointed for my brother at the same time. “Want to switch?” I joke. Though even if there were a button in front of me right at this moment, which I could push to shutdown any and all attraction toward Lincoln, I don’t think I could get myself to pull the trigger. “Urgh, why is everything such a mess!” I fake-shout, throwing my head back as I send my pouty prayer up to the heavens.

“And you, like, actually perfumed? I’ve never had that happen to me before. It’s supposed to be a pretty serious compatibility indicator. From what I’ve heard, some omegas don’t even perfume until after they’ve bonded with their chosen pack.”

That’s not terrifying at all ...

“Maybe? That’s what Lincoln said, but I have no idea.”

We eventually lapse into silence. It’s already 4:30 p.m., and I realize I promised Mason I’d meet him, Micah, and Cabe at the dining hall at 6 p.m. I was nervous before, but now, after everything with Lincoln, I don’t know how I can face them. Am I supposed to tell them what happened? Will it make them change their minds about courting me, assuming that’s what they even want in the first place? With Lincoln, hecan’tcourt me, but boy, does my body wish he could. Enough that I would give up exploring my connection with the Collins pack, though? Even hypothetically ...?

I’m prepared to cancel on them, to make up whatever excuse I need to buy myself more time, only to remember I don’t have my phone on me.Mierda.I could technically have Mackenzie text my brother and get Mason’s number from him, but then he’ll ask what happened to my phone and why I’m canceling plans with Mason, and just ... no. I’ll simply show up, explain I’m not feeling well—not a lie—and see if I can’t buy myself another day at least before I have to figure things out. I’m still not sure how I’ll manage to get my stuff back without having to face Lincoln though, but one problem at a time.

“Come on, Espy,” Mackenzie sings, urging me to follow her out the door in the same tone she’d use on a dog. It’s not,not, effective.

I take another aspirin, but my head continues to pound. It’s only a short walk to the dining hall, but even so, it’s like I can feel every gust of wind through my borrowed clothing, making me shiver with the cold.

“You sure you’re okay?” Mackenzie asks, looking at me in concern once we’re almost there. “You’re looking a bit flushed, and your eyes are glassy.”

“On top of everything, I’m probably getting a cold,” I sigh. Between the recent stress and being camped out in an unheated locker room for so many hours, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if I’ve caught something.

She nods, still looking concerned, but doesn’t say anything more as she joins me at the front of the cafeteria.

“You don’t have to stay.”

“But I will. It’s not like you have anywhere else you can go without your keys, so I might as well wait for you so we can walk back to my place together.”

“Right,” I groan. “Thank you.”What a mess.


I turn toward Micah’s voice and find him approaching with Mason and Cabe.

“H-hey,” I start, trying to paint on a smile to hide my nerves.

“Oh, is Mackenzie joining too?” Mason asks, looking nervous as he runs a gloved hand through his hair. “We thought we might ... ahh ... well ... we made a reservation at a place off campus.”

Oh jeez, like a date.They want to take me out, and there I was making out with another guy just a few hours ago, standing in front of them now half-sick and wearing another girl’s clothes as I prepare to bail. As much as I want to just push through and go with them, my urge to go home is stronger. In fact, for the first time in years, I have this craving for a nest. It’s a weird, foreign urge, and unfortunately some borrowed blankets at Mackenzie’s are going to have to do. I just need to get through this and make it back there.

“That’s really nice of you guys,” Mackenzie chirps, nudging me subtly.

I realize I’ve yet to say anything, and I nod my head. “Yes, super nice. It’s just that—”


I turn toward my name and see my brother approaching with Tanner—and, of course, Lincoln—in tow.This can’t be happening.I consider bolting, but before I can make up my mind the trio join us.

I’m vaguely aware of the guys exchanging greetings, but all I can focus on is not making eye contact with Lincoln. Something that’s extra-hard given that Lincoln seems determined to make eye contact with me.

“Are you guys grabbing dinner?” I hear Tanner ask.

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